The result was a body of work that bore comparison with Balzac and Dickens.
When Martha Graham died in 1991 at the age of 96, she left a body of work that defined modern dance.
The worst actor category recognises a body of work by a star, with Travolta, Murphy, Mike Myers, Rob Schneider and Ben Affleck up for the prize.
Asham, you could say, had already established a body of work in the Atlantic Division before the Rangers called after he became a free agent in July.
Because of his groundbreaking leadership and contributions, there is a growing field with numerous consultants, books, resources, educational centers, including Aileron, and a body of work focused on helping family businesses grow, become successful and sustainable.
FORBES: A Tribute to a Family Business Legend, Dr. Leon Danco
My search was for something that I could identify with that had an unparalleled track record in leadership and entrepreneurship development while creating a body of work that is meaningful and lasts for decades and generations.
FORBES: A Greek God, A Youth-Led Organization And Entrepreneurship
"My Architect" is reality -- a moving, bittersweet and marvelously touching film about an anti-hero who loved not wisely but too well, and generally made a mess of it, but left a brilliant body of magnificent work and a son who found himself, and his father, through it.
Or that a career body of work is a far more valuable predictor than a big game on the big stage.
Will she carry on a career at the level of, say, Joan Armatrading, who she often reminds me of, or Rickie Lee Jones or any number of wonderful midlevel artists with a great body of work, good careers and devoted fans?
It's a cumulative body of work, and you hope you can paint a portrait of progress coming through spring.
Johnson bought most of his art in 1998, when he learned that a significant body of work, the Barnett-Aden collection, was for sale by the Florida Education Fund, along with the building where the art was housed, the National Museum of African American Art, in Tampa.
She said it was an overwhelming task to sort through such a large body of work.
It is the first time an artist has sold a substantial body of work this way.
Do Clint's films add up to a consistent body of work like John Ford's?
And she had been a practicing artist for many years, and she left a large body of work including sketchbooks and journals.
It's a lovely body of work and one that shows that photography can focus on the positive as well as the gloomier side of life.
There had been a large body of work looking at different ways to control devices through vision-based gesture recognition, the professor said, but not so much had concentrated on movement.
"There's a huge body of work, " he says.
WSJ: New York Pizza: Slice Harvester's Quest to Try Pies in the Big Apple
It depends on a recent body of work which suggests that the brain's white matter (the wiring that connects the main bodies of the nerve cells, or grey matter, together) is less dense and less abundant in the brain of an autistic person than in that of a non-autist.
During the past decade, Gillis has built a highly orignal body of work five albums and more than a thousand live performances that meticulously matches rock, pop and hip hop beats with verses and hooks from Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Radiohead, Adele and other radio favorites.
FORBES: Girl Talk's Gregg Gillis On Copyright, Curation and Making Mashups Rhyme
He's a one-time staff writer for Rolling Stone and author of an eclectic body of work including a biography of Nike's Phil Knight, a history of Sears, and articles about fishing for catfish on Louisiana's bayous, logrolling and coondog racing.
Tannenbaum cited "a three-year body of work" and "a long view of things" to explain his decision to sign Sanchez.
My experience teaches me that, if one learns to follow this plan, he gets a freshness of body and vigour of mind out of work that goes a long way toward keeping him strong and healthy.
This is a man whose vast body of work is the direct result of absorbing untold global cultural influences and subverting them to his own ends.
Dr Whitelaw's work is one part of a growing body of evidence suggesting that understanding inherited epigenetic features may be necessary to work out how animals pass on physical characteristics or susceptibility to disease.
The group also was a latecomer to the CD era, waiting until 1987 to issue its main body of work on a medium that the industry had embraced in the early to middle part of the decade.
Hedge fund manager Chaudhri thinks basic economics augur favorably: Compared with the amount of Western art sloshing around, India has a relatively small body of post-independence work.
Yet for all the novelty of this performance, the role is of a piece with Day-Lewis' larger body of work.
The good news is that policy experiments carried out by governments, NGOs, academics and international institutions are slowly building up a body of evidence about methods that work.