Its lead author, Rick Smolan, is a veteran photographer and book producer whose credits include the A Day in the Life book series.
All take succour from recent, generally favourable reassessments of the British empire, notably the one offered in a book (and television series) by Niall Ferguson, a Scottish historian now at New York University.
Aubyn recently made a splash with the fifth and final book in his Patrick Melrose series, which chronicles 40 years in the life of a dysfunctional, drug abusing British aristocrat.
WSJ: Hot Series From Hilary Mantel and Edward St. Aubyn: Do You Need to Read the First One?
It took Princess Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian 17 years to find a publisher for her now twelve-book Tara Duncan fantasy novel series before a publisher in France, where she lives, made the leap in 2003.
This is just one of the many uses to which this iconic building has been put, vicissitudes which are traced with verve and erudition by Mary Beard in this highly readable book, the first in a new series on ancient buildings, which Ms Beard is also editing.
The book is the eighth in a series that was launched five years ago.
In the dining room there's a five-panel Egyptian pictograph spanning the length of one wall. (As with many of his objects, Mr. Davis said he got it in a barter deal, trading it with the publisher of a popular book series for the use of his music.) At the center of the home is a 44-foot-tall, four-sided fireplace.
It is when the two words are combined, and attached to a department in a consultancy, or a professor's course, or a book chapter, or a series of publications, that the eyebrows start offering a spot of leading-edge scepticism (benchmarked to best scepticism practice).
If there was one dimension of disappointment that one could detect in Chinua Achebe, it was the fact that he was famous for one great book when in fact he had written a whole series of great books.
Coming up, our summer book series: a fresh new take on immigrant life in America.
Yet in the most chilling scenes in the book he deliberately sets out to frame a series of men on charges of adultery with the queen.
And in a series, as soon as she finishes the first book she can download the next.
WSJ: How Kindle, Nook and iPad Fuel Sales of Erotica for Women
Wonder Woman has changed her looks and dons a trendy new outfit in issue 600 of the comic book series.
Fans of the seven-book series chronicling a young wizard's coming-of-age in a fantastic and dangerous, magical world have a lot of emotion invested in the franchise.
Entrepreneur supporter Brad Feld talks about the importance of these events in his new book, Startup Communities, the first of a series he calls the Startup Revolution.
Keri, who signed a deal to write the book in 2008 shortly after the Rays stunningly reached the World Series, remains incredulous to this day at the drastic frugality under Naimoli.
An established brand in its own right, Sex and the City is cosmopolitan - its cocktail of choice as well as the lifestyle celebrated in the newspaper column turned best-selling book turned blockbuster television series turned A-list film.
The book, a series of interlocking stories set against the background of the US music industry, jumps around in time from the punky 1970s to the near-future.
BBC: Ebooks: Is digital opening up a new chapter for publishing?
The author of the blockbuster time management book series -- which a dvocates personal outsourcing as part of his formula for earning more in less time -- said subterfuge and allowing someone unauthorized access to the company computers is not the way forward.
The book, which is being published in multiple languages in time for Christmas, is the third in a series by the pontiff.
As I wrote in P art I of this series, you can find an agent to submit a for Dummies book proposal from scratch.
FORBES: How to Get Your Dummies Book Contract - Third in a Series
In her Pulitzer Prize-winning book, The Guns of August, Barbara Tuchman chronicled how a cascading series of seemingly minor developments led inexorably to World War I and the worst carnage known to man up to that time.
The comic-book series "From Hell, " in which Moore uses the Jack the Ripper killings as a precursor to 20th-century violence, runs to about 500 pages, including 40-plus pages of footnotes.