To their disappointment, Mr. Ryan is a well-vetted, 14-year congressman, and a bit of a Boy Scout.
Madonna gave an impassioned speech to the audience about discrimination and tolerance, while dressed as a boy scout.
Even National Geographic, in their brand new TV series, is asking us Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout?
Once a Boy Scout, and the son of a grocer in South Dakota, he is "an explorer at heart, " says Fisher.
What is the difference between an investor-owned utility and a boy scout?
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Jacob Mullins, a senior associate at venture-capital firm Shasta Ventures, shot rifles as a Boy Scout and picked it up again some four years ago.
On a recent weekend, he won all three races at a bar in a Chicago suburb, as part of a fundraiser for a Boy Scout troop.
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Examples include being chosen to lead a Boy Scout Troop or a sports team or developing a new course to train freshly hired employees to do jobs.
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And it was decidedly uncool to be a Boy Scout.
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This alternative scouting organization has its roots in a Boy Scout troop based in New York City's East Harlem neighborhood and sponsored by the Unitarian Church of All Souls.
Despite that propinquity to high finance, it is bucolic enough to have a Boy Scout Camp, where the youth of the 99%, including Troop 193 of Fairview NJ could experience nature.
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Heltebrake, a ranger at a nearby Boy Scout camp, radioed that he heard gunfire.
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And Jeff, I was going to ask you about this first because you're a former Boy Scout.
We explored a bathroom tower for a park and a proposed Boy Scout center made from forest thinnings.
After forking out a little too much for that hilarious Boy Scout shirt, guilt may preclude a full-fledged restaurant meal.
In their 50 years of marriage, she had never itched for a college education, being more than content to raise a big family, run a gift shop, manage the banquet hall at a golf club, lead Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops and, as a convert to Catholicism, explore the contours of her religious faith.
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Once, when the doorbell rang, I rushed downstairs to the front door, but it was only a boy with a jar collecting money for a new Scout troop.
She started a petition, in protest of the Boy Scout policy, that has amassed more than 120, 000 signatures in a matter of days.
Camping in Scotland has come a long way since the old days, when it seemed to be the sole preserve of Boy Scout groups and those willing to endure nights in a soggy field along with hundreds of equally sullen souls.
Just ask the Boy Scout troop leader or the church volunteer that created a WordPress site to raise funds or to rally the community around a cause.
Girls can participate in the Boy Scouts through its subsidiary group, Exploring, and a Girl Scout troop in Colorado allowed a 7-year-old transgender child into its ranks last year, although some later protested with cookie boycotts.
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The Boy Scouts policy has become a national issue since Ryan Andresen of California was dropped and denied Eagle Scout status after 12 years as a scout.
If more women, like Whitman, actually reach out and grab such a high profile job like CEO of HP then perhaps we are actually moving toward equality in the corporate (boy scout) world.
's flip, cynical Stark (Iron Man) gets a good measure of the movie's best lines, bouncing off Steve Rogers' (Captain America) boy scout idealism and Thor's guileless sledgehammer style (sometimes literally).