Researchers from Warwick University, writing in the British Journal of Psychology, said that dogs gave people a safe topic of conversation with which to break the ice with a stranger.
Men, perhaps lonely or simply shy, could break the ice by asking a woman to dance.
Freeze dates are defined as the observed period when a lake or river was completely ice-covered, and break-up dates as the last ice break-up seen before the summer open-water phase.
Bloom, 25, worked with a heavy metal pole to break ice blocks into the frozen water.
"The first individual to break the ice often ends up in a bit of an atmosphere of failure, " he said.
Despite not being taken past 30 on serve the Scot still required a tie-break but he remained ice cool, breaking immediately and consolidating with a huge ace.
If that happens, it might present problems for some emperor colonies if the seasonal ice starts to break up before fledglings have had a chance to acquire their full adult, waterproof plumage.
Ms. Steinberg gave a series of pointers: how to make eyes at a man (quick glances that indicate you like what you see), how to break the ice (talk about anything you can see, touch, smell or hear) and, most importantly, how to get a man to ask you on a date (make it very clear that you will say yes).
"As of mid-March, only a narrow strip of shelf ice was protecting several thousand kilometers of potential further break-up, " the group said.
Fiodor shows us his favourite statues before taking a break from the Milanese evening heat at Bar Chocolat - a gelateria boasting over ten different types of chocolate ice cream.
Above-freezing temperatures also led to overflow along the trail, a potentially dangerous situation where water has pushed up through the ice and refrozen, creating a weak top layer of ice that teams and mushers can break through.
Temperatures in the Arctic are now even higher than they were then, and a period of renewed ice shelf break-up has ensued since 2002.