Furthermore, the process must include a broad spectrum of Egyptian voices and opposition parties.
Blackening it allows it to absorb light throughout a broad spectrum, making it far more effective.
Leaders joined from across the country and from a broad spectrum of religious and non-religious backgrounds.
Mr. DAVE CONSTANT: He covers a broad spectrum and it's hard to figure out what he's really focused on.
Mr Carlin brings the story alive by telling it through the eyes of a broad spectrum of South Africans.
Xenex uses harmless xenon gas to blast a broad spectrum of UV wave- lengths in all of ten minutes.
FORBES: How A New Machine Uses U.V. Rays To Blast Killer Bacteria
This won at least grudging acceptance across a broad spectrum of American Anglicanism.
Such a broad spectrum, said Mr Saillard, is a way of diversifying risk.
But for mid-cap and startup companies, nonprofit entities, educational institutions, foundations, associations and governmental entities too, for a broad spectrum of industries.
FORBES: Hunting Multicultural Talents for big revolution in business
Strategically meet and become known by a broad spectrum of people who are more seasoned, more tenured or more experienced than you.
FORBES: Swim in Office Politics Without Drowning (Part 2 of 2)
Cannes organisers said Spielberg's work cut across a broad spectrum "between entertainment films and serious reflections on history, racism and the human condition".
The company, which is not profitable yet, competes with a broad spectrum of industry players, Ziegler said, such as Braintree, Stripe and CyberSource.
Well, the tea industry has not been shy about promoting studies contending that tea provides remedies for a broad spectrum of what ails you.
Only by working together and increasing our investment across a broad spectrum are we going to be able to deal with all of our problems.
"We've had a broad spectrum of people seeking help from us, " added Dr Dale, who is helped by two senior counsellors and 12 people with listening skills.
On macroeconomics, a broad spectrum of economists, ranging from John Maynard Keynes to Milton Friedman, supports the basic premise that recessions are caused by shortfalls in aggregate demand.
CUT, the most powerful union federation, said the action was motivated by a broad spectrum of issues, from rural violence and human rights to privatisation and the recession.
In every conflict, media programming fits along a broad spectrum.
FORBES: Up for Debate: Traditional Journalism Stresses Conflict, and Exploits it
We will continue to work with a broad spectrum of faith leaders around the country and the entire growing coalition of leaders urging Congress to pass comprehensive legislative reform.
General Jones met with President Santos and several of the new cabinet ministers and had excellent discussions underscoring our commitment to developing closer cooperation across a broad spectrum of issues.
At the time, a broad spectrum of such plants already had been crafted by laboratory scientists who were unable to afford the gratuitously inflated regulatory costs to test them in the field.
If consumer spending holds up and the sentiment indexes aren't off much at all, there is now a broad spectrum of very reasonably priced stocks after declines ranging from 30% to 50%.
Aiming to offer a wide-ranging syllabus, the programme focuses on six areas of education which complement each other, interact and expand into a broad spectrum of educational settings (classrooms, workshops, walks, outings, talks, etc.).
Edison bulbs function by making a Tungsten filament very hot, and a hot object glows: radiating energy on a broad spectrum of wavelengths, only a small part of which is visible to the eye.
Obviously John and others look at intelligence and reporting across, as I said, many different modes of transportation and many different -- are aware of and acting on information across a broad spectrum.
"There really is a broad spectrum of people, groups and countries that engage in cyber-attacks as a general matter for different purposes, " said Michael Vatis, director of the National Infrastructure Protection Center at the FBI.
CNN: Governments ready to fight cyber-crime in new millennium
In today's financially squeezed times, it is more important than ever to support charities, which do such vital work across such a broad spectrum for medical services to education, arts, and helping some of the most vulnerable people in society.
While the 2012 Audi A7 may not be as uncompromising sporty as a BMW 550i or carry the deeply chiseled exterior of a Mercedes-Benz CLS, it should appeal to a broad spectrum of luxury car buyers on the basis of its overall pleasing performance, tastefully attractive styling and broad array of cutting-edge amenities.
And the introduction by the Gang of Six of a concrete proposal put forward by six members of the Senate -- three Republicans, three Democrats, representing a broad ideological spectrum in American politics -- I think is a welcome development.