• In June 2013 the restaurant launched a business lunch menu promising a full meal in less than 60 minutes, or the tab is on them.

    BBC: Business trip: Johannesburg

  • And while it's still acceptable to drink wine at a business lunch here in London, such indulgence is deeply frowned on even in New York.


  • Couples are still welcome, but so are colleagues getting a business lunch, girlfriends catching up over a quick mid-week dinner, families enjoying a relaxed weekend brunch, and diners grabbing supper for one at the bar.

    FORBES: You Want To Open A Restaurant; But Do You Have The Stomach For It?

  • The survey also found nine out of 10 people would complain if they were served undercooked chicken in a restaurant or by their partner, but only three quarters would speak up if their mother-in-law was cooking, or at a business lunch.

    BBC: Britons 'do not complain' over hygiene

  • For an unforgettable view of the Eiffel Tower when it sparkles in the evening, or a bright business lunch under a glass canopy, book a table at Les Ombres, on the rooftop of the Musee du Quai Branly.

    BBC: Business trip: Paris

  • She thought the savory crepes her parents grew up with in France could be a great option for a quick business lunch.

    WSJ: Sweet and Savory Comfort��in a Crepe

  • Invite a business associate to lunch and talk about their business.

    FORBES: Is There A Gorilla In Your Market?

  • Any overt display of a business purpose to the lunch is considered crass.

    FORBES: Side Lines

  • They should carry the same gravatas as a handshake or a good old-fashioned business lunch where deals get made.

    FORBES: Beyond LinkedIn: Putting Relationships To Work With Datahug

  • It can start as something as simple as being included on a lunch outing where business is discussed and may lead to something much more substantial, like getting salary and promotional benefits.

    FORBES: How to Deal With Favoritism in the Office

  • In one anecdote, a woman doing business in the Middle East was taken out to lunch by a customer.

    FORBES: Five Schemes for Creative Corruption

  • During the week, it is a popular lunch spot thick with business suits.


  • However, he says he has faced a few bumps so far, including a weaker-than-expected business-lunch crowd, mainly due to the slightly isolated location.

    WSJ: Bruce Palling on Food: Bruno Barbieri Comes to London

  • One of the items auctioned off was a lunch with me to discuss doing business in China.

    FORBES: Yale And China

  • Obama has also made it a point to give business leaders face time, particularly through lunch meetings.


  • They also propose using free buses to and from business parks as a way to get people into town during lunch breaks.

    BBC: Car parking sign

  • Among the best answers to this question was provided by a former client, Deepak Advani, Vice President, Predictive Analytics and the head of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) business, which is part of IBM, at a recent lunch.

    FORBES: How IBM Helped "X Factor" Up Its Ratings

  • As I stood up after the lunch, a man came over to me and put his business card in my hand.

    FORBES: China's Crisis of Confidence

  • Many years ago, over lunch with a friend, I theorized that there was a business to be created out of maintaining limited duration virtual property (that is, stuff that needs renewing) such as domain names and SSL certificates held by organizations.

    FORBES: Microsoft's Azure Outage; Three Reasons Why Such Things Happen and Three Steps to Avoid Them

  • Emigrating to Sacramento in 1968 at age 16, after riots in Hong Kong threatened his father's business, Lee started high school without a word of English, skipping lunch for the first few weeks until he learned to point at what he wanted.

    FORBES: The 200 Best Small Companies

  • Immigrating to Sacramento, California in 1968 at age 16, after riots in Hong Kong threatened his father's business, Lee started high school without a word of English, skipping lunch for the first few weeks until he learned to point at what he wanted.

    FORBES: Asia's Best Under A Billion

  • Luis Carlos Villegas, who heads the main business federation, says that he and the main union leaders have lunch once a month with Mr Uribe to discuss these questions.

    ECONOMIST: Colombia

  • My faith in these endless cycles of new hardware supply and software innovation--and subsequent killer new business models--got a boost in mid-May, when a startup called Yipes Communications stopped by for lunch.

    FORBES: Digital Rules

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