Mr Malik, a cab driver, said the council-coordinated support at the centre had been "amazing".
Also killed in the incident was a cab driver named Michael Boldon, CNN affiliate KVVU reported.
He closed the trunk, and told the blithering fool of a cab driver not to move with a look.
He used to be a cab driver, but doing this makes more sense.
That's a sentiment shared by Diddy Dennis, a cab driver in San Francisco.
As a cab driver once told me when I asked him what happens to mobile devices left in his cab.
But in only 15 do you need government permission to be a tattoo artist, and in only 13 is a license required to be a cab driver.
He also singled out New York police Detective Ivan Marcano, who was off duty in the Bronx with his girlfriend when he saw muggers attack a cab driver.
According to the prosecution, the charges were based on both videotape evidence as well as the testimony of a cab driver who told authorities he saw Pearl get into a car with Saeed on the day he disappeared.
"To find someone who is in a position that is generally regarded as almost being one of trust as a black cab driver who abuses that trust, this is highly unusual, " he said.
Along East 42nd Street, a yellow-cab driver pulls alongside the team to marvel at the cab.
WSJ: How to Run Up a $100K Cab Fare? Exit British Pub, Turn Left in Mumbai
It was while moonlighting as a mini-cab driver during his student days that Mr Gill became involved in politics.
C. is considering a bill that would require every cab driver in the city to own a special permit called a medallion.
Without prompting, our cab driver told us of a Key West real estate market on fire.
Their cab collided with a BMW car whose driver and passenger then fled the scene.
The crash killed cab driver Michael Boldon and a passenger, Washington state resident Sandra Sutton-Wasmund.
First, the cab companies charge the driver a percentage of the fare in order to process the cards.
Why should I pay you for the privilege of driving a cab in your city, the taxi driver asks, when my competitor is free from such obligations?
The cab driver is one of a number of guest presenters signed up by the station to co-host the mid-afternoon slot while Danny Baker goes on holiday.
The driver of the cab, a Toyota Corolla, was taken to the hospital and is in stable condition, police say.
The Maserati continued into the intersection with Flamingo Road and collided with a taxi, which caught fire, killing cab driver Michael Boldon, CNN affiliate KVVU said.
The Maserati continued into the intersection of the boulevard and Flamingo Road and collided with a taxi, which caught fire, killing cab driver Michael Boldon, CNN affiliate KVVU said.
The Maserati continued into the intersection of the boulevard and Flamingo Road and collided with a taxi, which caught fire, killing cab driver Michael Boldon, 62, CNN affiliate KVVU said.
That evening a few miles away Larry Brennan, a Catholic taxi driver, was shot dead in his cab.
Kendall took a cab (paying with untraceable cash) and had the driver let him out a block from the all-cash building.
Car owners may pay more to leave their vehicles and take a cab home than if they used a stand-in driver, Ji says.
An official with the Taxi and Limousine Commission said the cab driver, Mr. Nunez, had a valid livery license and a clean record, but the Toyota Camry he was driving at the time of the crash had not yet been authorized to be used as a livery taxi.
WSJ: Suspect Sought in Crash That Killed Young Couple in Brooklyn
The livery cab had a stop sign, but it's not clear if the driver stopped.
When the cab driver asked what was in his bag the defendant said it was a sound system.