Multipart singing, a capella homophonic singing, oral tradition and simple music making are its main features.
His music is deeply rooted in folk, African jazz and the a capella "mbube" music that Ladysmith Black Mambazo made famous.
Chanticleer, an all-male a capella group best known for its classical repertoire, has released How Sweet the Sound, its second CD of gospel music and African-American spirituals.
Other traditions remain: the separate stairways, the women's bib-fronted habits (now worn only for church on Sundays), the a capella singing and the old tasks, such as haying and jam-making.
The 80 singers of all ages of the Choir Invisible, Desmond and Leah Tutu Choir for Peace, U.K., will perform a capella compositions inspired by South African Gospel and soul music to lyrics by Archbishop Tutu at the award ceremony.
On a bitterly cold January morning Spanish businessman Javier Capella sits in a warm General Growth boardroom in Chicago overlooking the river, talking about his dream to make his handbags as hot in the U.S. as they are back home.
As a hedge fund, Capella has the ability to short stocks and can also use leverage, normally a modest 20% of the fund's capital.
Every year in the middle of January, at a shrine or before the houses of the community, five to ten women from age forty to eighty sing "a" "capella" to accompany the dancing of ten to twenty young girls in colourful kimonos.
The hedge fund's name, Capella, is that of a bright star, part of a constellation with several smaller stars nearby, and it describes the way Gartmore manages money.
There were only a hundred or so hedge funds in Europe at the time of Capella's launch.
Capella, for example, charges 1.5% a year in expenses and 20% of profits above a certain hurdle rate.
If I had to take a stab at one education stock that might emerge, it would be Minneapolis-based Capella Education.
For a pleasing dose of colonial-era luxury and space-age design, check into the 112-room Capella Singapore, located just south of the CBD on Sentosa Island.