Her son, Anthony, recently drove a U-Haul packed with his meager belongings to Killeen, Texas, where he will start a new life as a car mechanic.
Urbina, a Mexican national who was working in Chicago as a car mechanic, was charged with that crime as well, but authorities believe he had fled the state of Illinois.
Rusk, 67, a former machinist and painter who admitted on a 1992 medical exam to drinking a six-pack of beer a day and occasionally using "amphetamine and IV crank, " blamed his shortness of breath on brake pads even though he worked part-time as a car mechanic and started smoking in 1951.
The friend who rented an apartment to Tsarnaev family said the father, Anzor Tsarnaev, was a talented car mechanic and aspired to open his own garage.
In terms preferred by economists, a situation defined by a principal-agent problem (such as you hiring a doctor or car mechanic who gets to both define your problem and figure out what to charge you for fixing it) was replaced by a much simpler employment relationship: would-be hustlers found themselves being turned into professional, generalist managers.
Hormann took her car to a mechanic who discovered and removed the tracking device.
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You have to supply the car and find a mechanic to install it all or do it yourself.
Lori Johnson, a longtime auto mechanic, teaches car-owners the basics at Ladies Start Your Engines.
You'd be mad at having to return your car to the mechanic within a month, yet rehospitalization after people get their hearts repaired too often is treated as business as usual, laments Dr. Ricardo Bello, a cardiac surgeon at New York's Montefiore Medical Center.
Hiding behind the petrol pumps, viewers could watch the astonishment of a mechanic as he discovered that the car Mr Routh had coasted into the garage contained no engine neither under the bonnet, nor under the chassis, nor in the boot.
If our car breaks down, we go to a trained mechanic.
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Should the family of an experienced motor mechanic who asphyxiated himself by running a car engine in his garage be entitled to cash from the manufacturer of a muffler-repair kit?
He finally took it to a shop where the mechanic used a more sophisticated scanner that checks systems that can be proprietary, to each car maker, such as the brakes and security gear.
You wave goodbye to mechanic Obama and load the car onto a flatbed headed for Iowa.
FORBES: Economics Are The Faulty "Mechanics" Of The Presidential Race
While a manhunt was under way for the driver who caused the accident, Michael persuaded a mechanic to mask the damage to the family car.
Use a trusted mechanic, watch the performance of your tires, and keep your car clean and empty.