He was a career diplomat before being chosen as Mr Chirac's chief of staff.
The foreign minister, Celso Amorim, a career diplomat, is a former ambassador to the World Trade Organisation.
The real work in the embassy is often done by the deputy chief of mission, a career diplomat.
Despite his years as a career diplomat, his appointment has surprised some because he has little experience of the Middle East.
Serbia appointed its first chief negotiator for Kosovo, Dejan Pavicevic, on Monday, a few days after Kosovo named a career diplomat, Lulzim Peci, as its representative to Serbia.
And there's been the rumor for a while now that Negroponte, who is a career diplomat, had been rumored to be eying a return to the State Department at some point.
The former official said al-Ayoubi, a career diplomat, asked British officials for a meeting about the embassy's finances and had gone to the Foreign Office in the middle of last week.
She immediately put aside her aspirations to follow in her father's footsteps pursuing a career as a diplomat.
Freeman was a career US diplomat until his retirement in the mid-1990s.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Intelligence and the anti-Israel lobby
Marc Pierini, a former European Union career diplomat, wrote in a commentary for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace that France also needs a "fresh start" in the Arab world.
In his later career as a diplomat for newly independent Norway and for the League of Nations, Nansen employed the infamous Vidkun Quisling.
From a very young age, I was exposed to a world of diplomacy, travel and community service (my father was a public servant and career diplomat).
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His career as a Royal Marine commando, diplomat and helicopter salesman before he became a politician should serve him well.
His father, Hugh (later Lord Caradon), was a diplomat and colonial servant whose career included terms as governor of Cyprus and Britain's ambassador to the United Nations.
The first career diplomat ever to become American ambassador in London, a post usually occupied by a plutocrat, Mr Seitz takes a humorous and sympathetic look at British society from top to bottom.