And once you're registered, then you got to go to (Applause.) That's g-o-t-t-a -- to find out how to cast your ballot early.
The 70-year-old won 2, 986 votes out of the 3, 977 cast - making it a decisive victory against his rival.
In a statement, Burns said he fought the good fight and came up just a bit short - about 3, 400 votes short out of a little under 400, 000 cast.
But as bleak as "Our Hell" is, it's virtually impossible to deny the song's glorious arrangement, in which Haines and her supporting cast lay out a rich assortment of warm, minor-key melodies.
Mr Brown provoked jeers from the Conservative benches when he pointed out that Mr Cameron had given a "cast-iron guarantee" to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.
And don't rule out collecting replicas--Pritzker has a cast of a theropod skull and Myhrvold has casts of all seven known Archaeopteryx, the missing link between dinosaurs and birds.
His use of the andante movement of Mozart's String Quartet No. 23 in F Major is casual at best, stretching out, for a listlessly choreographed full-cast exit, the music's final note as if it were just so much Silly Putty.
He knew how the business worked and, as handsome as the Bollywood idols he sometimes cast in his pictures, he could sweet-talk a budget out of the hardest financial hearts.
Written and directed by Rod Lurie, who uses Washington unimaginatively, like a TV-movie director, but gets the best out of his cast.
The producers were reportedly this close to casting a couple of six-footers as Bird and Magic and filling out the cast with little people.
FORBES: Magic Johnson's Business Ambitions Come to Broadway in MAGIC/BIRD
Getting the most out of a Carroll-type centerforward requires the right supporting cast, including wide players who can ensure a steady supply of service and a second striker or attacking midfielder who can use the space the big man creates.
Nearly 230, 000 votes were cast over the 6-week period in a bracket-style elimination tournament that started out with 32 potential worst companies.
FORBES: Worst Company In America? BP Edges Out Bank Of America, Comcast And Walmart
The film, which is a series of gross-out comedy skits from different directors, boasts an ensemble cast that includes Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet and Emma Stone.
FORBES: Why Ryan Kavanaugh Is Now The Most-Watched Man In Hollywood
Android was cast out because the operating systems is open-source and used across a number of manufacturers that ICE feared could lead to modifications to accommodate new features.
His "Dream Displacement" from 1976 employs four film projectors to cast lozenge-shaped red images that go in and out of phase in a loop, like four animated Rothkos.
WSJ: Wish You Were Here | Albright-Knox | They Shuffled Off to Buffalo | By Richard B. Woodward
The Yankees have been forced to field a cast of minor leaguers and past-their-prime vets, yet have found ways to squeeze production out of nearly every single one.
First unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show last month, Verizon is pimping V CAST as a new multimedia service for the high-speed EV-DO wireless network they're currently rolling out in different cities across the country.