Alec Baldwin's self-transformation into a character actor is one of the most sensible and honorable things that a fading movie star has ever done.
"But I'm a great believer that, if you are a character actor, acting seriously is the same as acting funnily, " he tells presenter Mark Lawson.
He was a character actor much in demand and received a host of awards for his performance as Hector, the teacher, in Alan Bennett's play The History Boys in 2004, both in the West End and on Broadway.
Launched in 1963, change and evolution is part of the show's DNA. When a lead actor steps down, The Doctor essentially dies and is regenerated into a new body, but as the same character with a new actor portraying him.
Griffiths enjoyed a long career of success on film and on TV, but also on the stage where he was a Tony-winning character actor.
He only gets to be a real character when the actor drops the cultural signifiers and plays what Friedman really is behind the Borscht Belt speech: a middle-aged man looking for love, and a home.
The venture kicked off with an ad campaign featuring Amitabh Bachchan, a popular actor known for playing a character called Vijay in several movies.
Peter really understood how to direct him as an actor, not as a character creation, so we had a script for him and he was treated as realistically as possible.
Important characteristics of Kabuki theatre include its particular music, costumes, stage devices and props as well as specific plays, language and acting styles, such as the mie, in which the actor holds a characteristic pose to establish his character.
At the age of 31, Whishaw is 12 years younger than Bond actor Daniel Craig, a first for the Q character.
British actor Lewis has said he drew inspiration for his character - a US marine freed after eight years as an al Queda captive - from Brian Keenan's 1991 book An Evil Cradling.
It says something that the only star in the film (the popular actor Kenneth More) played a comparatively lowly, though heroic, character Second Officer Herbert Lightoller, who managed to keep thirty men alive while they all stood on an overturned lifeboat.
"I just came off eight years of playing a character that was continuously distracted by his phone and email and everything else, " the actor said.
And the character's name Llewyn Davis, and he's played by a young Guatemalan-born actor, actually, named Oscar Isaac, who's quite good in the role, sings, does - pretty much carries the movie as in every scene.
This actor was called back by sheer force of will and ultimately cast, though as a different character.