Batmaz also pleaded guilty to conspiracy to steal class B drugs and a further charge of misconduct in a public office in relation to assisting to keep a person unlawfully at large.
"His character proves he is a good person and put in charge of trying to keep homes safe, " one of his supporters said in a handwritten letter.
The President proposes to charge large financial institutions a fee to fund a refinancing program designed to help home owners keep their houses.
But there the Australian government has been reluctant to make a big enough contribution to keep all its universities on the road and allow them to charge reasonable fees.
Rehman and others said the state isn't doing enough to keep people safe -- a charge that's echoed by members of the opposition party.
To prevent Kevorkian from presenting evidence about Youk's condition and perhaps using the trial as a forum of debate over euthanasia prosecutors dropped the assisted suicide charge to keep the testimony out of the trial.
The government then moved to take over MetroGas, the company in charge of gas distribution, for having interrupted such distribution as a result of the need to keep the reserves given increasing expected demands in the short run.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The meaning of Kirchner's recent defeat
The TSA exists to send a signal about who is in charge, and it is to present the illusion that the government is doing something to keep us safe.
The company will pay the Browns a flat fee for the arrangement, then keep all revenue from the transactions done over its site (it will charge a 10% fee to buyers and 15% to sellers).
And even though the independent counsel tries to enhance his charge that the president sought Ms. Lewinsky to lie by a, quote, "assisting her job search to keep her on the team, " end quote.
CNN: Transcript: Schippers, Lowell briefings before Judiciary panel, part 2
Putting somebody else in charge of monetary policy was one: the Bank of England's mandate to keep inflation low is a refreshing draught of clarity in economic policy (complicated though that task may eventually prove to be).