And unless he or she is your best friend, why go with your existing component supplier when the Net can find you a cheaper one?
While it felt a little cheaper (as one would expect with such a low-end handset), it still seemed to be held together quite solidly.
To argue, when inflation is low, that low nominal interest rates make buying a home cheaper is as foolish as arguing that a loan paid off over five years is cheaper than one paid off over two.
ECONOMIST: The higher they climb, the further they will fall
So a cheaper way of processing the one into the other would be very welcome indeed.
Pera figured he could make a cheaper all-in-one version.
FORBES: The Lean King: Outsourcing Sales Helps Ex-Apple Engineer Build Wireless Powerhouse
Even when a western organisation does have similar facilities, a project using one of the Kurchatov's reactors may be a lot cheaper to undertake than in a richer country.
To gain a new customer is much cheaper than getting one back you lost.
Competing on price would be a mistake because no one seriously considers cheaper consultants for the really big company-changing projects.
Reed Elsevier has fat margins and high prices in a business based on information--a commodity, and one that is cheaper than ever in the internet era.
The US Treasury has said the Obama administration has thought about making its one cent coins from a cheaper material - they are currently made of zinc.
The organisers have not stated how much the mission will cost nor how much they need to raise, saying only that it is much cheaper than one would imagine a Mars mission to be.
So I grabbed the one that was a few bucks cheaper than the rest.
Scientists using DNA tests put the odds that your seafood is actually a cheaper, lower quality fish, at about one-in-three.
FORBES: DNA Tests Show Fraud in Seafood Labeling is Widespread
The costs of making a website accessible vary based on the complexity of a website, and it is much cheaper to build accessibility features into a new site than to retrofit an old one, experts said.
One is that mortgages are a lot cheaper than almost any other form of borrowing.
Plus, picking up a bottle or two is about one-third cheaper than buying Champagne outside of France.
Those volunteers will be able to bask in the knowledge that they are helping to create a cheaper and longer-lasting way of dealing with one of the world's biggest killers.
To push back, Dunne says using new-found profits from a weaker yen to move manufacturing plants to cheaper locales overseas is one way to stay competitive -- as long as the pace of expansion is controlled.
CNN: 'Japan Inc.' on the brink: Weak yen a lost opportunity?
Aiding the Colombian police has been adopted as a political cause by a group of congressional Republicans who believe that one of the cheaper and more effective ways to deal with the United States' addiction to drugs is to stop their production at source.
By Boisset's assessment, the carbon footprint associated with a plastic wine bottle is roughly half that of a glass one, never mind the fact that plastic is also cheaper.
Sure, the economics favor gas today, as fracked natural gas floods the market, and it is in fact cheaper to build and run a gas-fired plant rather than one lit by coal.
FORBES: Guided By Questionable Science, The EPA Seeks To "Necessarily Bankrupt" The People
True, other countries have achieved the kind of permanent budgetary adjustment that the IMF is looking for in Greece, but it is hard to find one that has done so without the benefit of a cheaper currency.
Apple remains publicly bullish about the east Asian markets and specifically China, but lack of leading appeal in developing markets may be one factor in the company reportedly working on a smaller, cheaper iPhone that would suit those markets.
FORBES: In Emerging Markets, Samsung Is King--While Nokia And BlackBerry Are Not Dead Yet
One thing is certain: Grabbing market share will come a lot cheaper in Latin America than in Europe.
Cheaper options, like walking around the room asking for a backrub or buying one of those old-fashioned vibrating back massagers, are still available.
Proponents of earnings yield say it enables a comparison against bonds, with higher comparative yields suggesting one investment vehicle is cheaper than the other.
Curiously, individual customers turn out greatly to prefer paying a single fee for, say, unlimited text-messaging or 90 hours of telephone talk-time, rather than paying for each item, one at a time even though that might be a cheaper option.
One Chinese businessman hired a U.S tax firm because they were cheaper than other firms and promised him a large tax refund.
FORBES: Seven Dos And Don'ts For Chinese Investors In The U.S.
Or Apple could be about to strike out in a radically different direction than the one that has guided the rest of the computer industry towards cheaper, less capable versions of notebook computers.
But as the U.S. economy sputters and companies transfer their IT needs from the desktop to virtualized data centers and to the Web, one computer giant is moving its enterprise products in a new direction: slimmer and cheaper.