For the fact is that the Europeans are still a long way from building up a military clout that could even remotely match (never say rival) that of the United States.
Not necessarily, but failure to make the list of an opinion leader that commands such a big clout among consumers could certainly generate negative WOM and buzz that could eventually undermined sales, leading to the eventual fall of the brand.
The fact is that this congressman from the smog capital of North America has a lot of clout in Washington and the Administration has been placed in a difficult position by his very public, very strident stance.
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At the time, as a junior member with little clout, Ryan was a reliable Republican vote for policies that were key in causing enormous federal budget deficits: sweeping tax cuts, a costly prescription-drug entitlement for Medicare, two wars, the multibillion-dollar bank-bailout legislation known as TARP.
"He had a pretty fair clout on his head, " said tour boss Robin McBryde.
Well, as I learned and Jack learned back in 1993 and '94, these folks have a lot of clout.
Those perceptions contributed to several stinging regional election losses for the Christian Democratic Union this spring, and have led to a surge in clout for the opposition Green Party.
Mr Dodik has a lot of clout: since October, his party has been dominant in the Bosnian parliament, giving him the right to nominate the country's next prime minister.
"There the Republicans have a lot of clout because they can say we'll let you run the government for the next month, but you've got to make these reforms, " he explained.
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The avid and rapidly growing TEDx communities provide another compelling example of combining online and in-person communities and taking their clout a step farther, by enabling the leaders of such communities to meet and share ways to make their events more valuable to all players, from the speakers to the sponsors and attendees.
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But would that provide the basis of a ruling coalition on the centre-left with the clout to cut a deal with the Palestinians?
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Europe should have a foreign-policy clout to match its economic one, she says, if it has any confidence in itself as a force for good.
ECONOMIST: Emma Bonino, Europe��s commissioner for the future
Despite the expansion of the federal government since the 1930s, American states have remained a vibrant force, and regained considerable clout in recent years with a Republican-controlled Congress and a Democratic president at loggerheads in Washington.
Vanguard typically pays managers a low rate per dollar managed, but its marketing clout lets it direct a lot of dollars managers' way, giving them significant revenue.
Surely, they say, a high-profile visible mayor would give a city significant extra clout?
He must add conservative clout to a crisis-fighting policy with which many conservatives are uneasy.
They are also nervous about the spending power and energy clout of a resurgent Russia.
"We've had these discussions and we haven't had the clout as a company to pull this off before, " Mr. Crowley said.
Many of the tax cuts were proposed by the Republicans, who showed continued clout in a state government otherwise dominated by Democrats.
This display of financial clout caused a frisson in Washington, but most of those who gave money saw it as a one-off.
But he is a heavyweight with economic clout and popular appeal.
Placing in one of the top three positions in the industry translates to big volumes--which, in turn, lowers costs and increases a manufacturer's clout.
In addition to money and clout, a promotion to managing director brings greater responsibility and signals the firm's interest in a recipient's future advancement.
Hoping to deflect the political clout of a defendant in court, she asked for women to come out in droves and pack the courtroom.
They are smarting at having been shut out of the Contact Group, and will be the surest net gainers from a pooling of international clout.
What's more, in a post-Tiger era she expects contracts will be written a little differently and marketers will be able to enforce stricter morality clauses regardless of a star's clout.
Even foreign trained doctors have to pass through this gateway before they can practice in the U.S. This gives the government a great deal of clout it is only beginning to use.
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Although Britain is normally seen as an awkward customer in EU affairs, resisting deeper political integration, it has traditionally been rather open to European countries pooling their diplomatic and military clout on a case-by-case basis, to gain global influence.
Mr Estrada has worked long enough in government as vice-president to see reforms succeed, and to observe how they have made foreign investors eventually take notice of a country whose economic clout in the region was once second only to Japan's.
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