Two days later, we arrived at a cluster of yurts to shelter from rain.
BBC: The way of the shepherd: Horse trekking through Kyrgyzstan
Unlike Apple and Meizu, Xiaomi Technology does not have a cluster of brick-and-mortar retail outlets.
Collier is among a cluster of counties in South Florida with high life expectancies.
Each of the engines weighs nearly 9 tons, and they came in a cluster of five.
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The inner ear is a cluster of connected passages and cavities called a labyrinth.
Meanwhile, a cluster of small islands in the Inner Hebrides are being sold on the open market.
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To attack such self-perpetuating problems, Perlow engaged a cluster of workaholics at Boston Consulting Group who wanted redemption.
In the distance, a plane, a cluster of lights, was sailing noiselessly east through a few rags of clouds.
It just licensed off a cluster of its patents, for eighty million dollars.
Mr Woo argues, in line with an old, oft-neglected bussiness tradition, that a cluster of competitor-neighbours has more customers.
Meanwhile, Serena and her sister Venus Williams have aged, growing vulnerable to injury, disease and a cluster of younger opponents.
More than 6, 500 acres (2600 ha) have been burned, and a cluster of motor homes were charred by the flames.
The weather that hit the area began as a cluster of thunderstorms that formed along the Ohio River moving south.
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American liberalism and American conservatism are sprawling political coalitions bound together by a cluster of shared values, assumptions, and associations.
In an hour (or two, with traffic) you'll reach a cluster of former farm villages called Oak Brook, Lisle and Naperville.
The mood snapped with a little more than two minutes to play, after a cluster of questionable calls on the Ravens.
With irises, you first lift a cluster of them from the ground with a spade or, better yet, a garden fork.
Bright orange poppies crowd the shoulders of the road as it skirts a cluster of rustic fishing cottages and vacation homes.
It's part of a cluster of tiled-roof cottages, arranged around a lawn, that also house four guest suites and a gym.
But it does lie on the M4 corridor, a cluster of high-tech firms that includes several names familiar from Silicon Valley.
Here, he spent three days as the human weight for a cluster of balloons, attached to his belt with a clip.
WSJ: Product Doesn't Speak for Itself? Hit the Street in a Clown Suit
It is not just about launching the contracts, but ensuring each contract has a cluster of people associated with the commodities.
Yale received a cluster of dormitories reminiscent of an Italian hill village.
It gave way to the birth of the Anatolian Tigers, a cluster of high-growth regions in central Turkey where entrepreneurship flourished.
The main Olympic Park, where a cluster of sports complexes and a new hotel will be built, will also be in Barra.
In addition, there is a cluster of smaller structures in the middle.
Five others were diagnosed with the disease after a cluster of cases which were traced back to a former barmaid at the pub.
It was still associated with Sufis, and a cluster of coffee houses grew up in Cairo around the religious university of the Azhar.
BBC: Coffee and qahwa: How a drink for Arab mystics went global
" It observed, "details of questionable lending and business practices have been spilling out in a cluster of lawsuits in the United States.
The whale rose about 5ft above the water, showing a sliver of its back and a cluster of cream coloured barnacles, and then dove back down.