Wednesday the Knesset voted to form a commission of inquiry to examine these groups' sources of funding.
The South African government promised to set up a commission of inquiry into the collapse of the rand .
Mr van Rensburg, for instance, says he lied about the deaths of the two students to a commission of inquiry as recently as 1990.
South African President Jacob Zuma addressed the miners at the Marikana site Wednesday and said he has launched a commission of inquiry to investigate the killings.
The President of Uganda appointed a well-respected judge of the High Court of Uganda to head a Commission of Inquiry to conduct and independent investigation into the disappearance of the two men.
FORBES: Murders and Pensions: The Need for Forensic Investigations (March 28, 2006 )
There was little patience in Israel for Mr Arafat's assertion that he would set up a commission of inquiry to investigate whether members of his Fatah movement had been responsible for the attack.
In 1976, Prince Bernhard, husband of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, agreed to resign his positions with the Dutch armed forces and industry following severe criticism of his behavior by a commission of inquiry into a Lockheed bribery scandal.
The taint of criminality has now returned, following the revelations of a Royal Commission of inquiry into police corruption in Sydney that finished its hearings on March 13th, after taking evidence from 640 witnesses over two years.
But a domestic commission of inquiry - backed by the Commonwealth - last month rejected his account, saying he had stepped down voluntarily.
In Kyrgyzstan, through engagement at the highest levels, we helped bring about the creation of a formidable international commission of inquiry to investigate the causes of the ethnic killings there and to prevent relapse into conflict.
WHITEHOUSE: Blog Posts Related to the American Jewish Community
He was general counsel of the Treasury and White House counsel in the Reagan administration and a member of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission.
"The coalition condemns all use of chemical weapons, whoever uses them, and it will pursue its investigation and collect evidence on this issue to present to the international commission of inquiry, " a statement said.
After a four-year inquiry, the Charity Commission decided that druidry offered coherent practices for the worship of a supreme being, and provided a beneficial moral framework.
BBC: Druidry to be classed as religion by Charity Commission
Today the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett, was subpoenaed to testify as a witness in front of the U.S. Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC).
In January Blankfein presented a vigorous defense of his firm's actions before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission.
Then there are a number of shareholder lawsuits and an ongoing inquiry by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The front-runner is Denise Kingsmill, a lawyer, who is currently deputy head of the Competition Commission and in charge of its inquiry into car prices.
Certainly a formidable challenge to overcome, but the charity takes heart from the words of the National Commission of Inquiry into the Prevention of Child Abuse.
At the same time the stock seemed like a good buy partly because its shares seemed to be oversold, driven down by the prospect of increasing competition, a slight loss in market share and a Securities and Exchange Commission inquiry into revenue recognition errors.
And the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee continues its inquiry into the quality of legislation - would vetting of bills by a Legislative Standards Commission force government departments to draft better laws?
The Electoral Commission has launched an inquiry after the election was marred by technical problems, delays and a high level of spoiled ballot papers.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | SNP begins coalition discussions
During a hearing Wednesday held by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, they continued to claim that the investment bank was done in by a cabal of rumor mongers.
Mr Kavan admits he once misled an inquiry set up by Britain's Broadcasting Complaints Commission after a television documentary had accused him of putting fellow dissidents at risk.
Goldman Sachs had to put together a nine-page memo to the Financial Inquiry Commission earlier this year to explain its methods for the valuations of AIG-insured securities that resulted in Goldman making liquidity-draining capital calls on AIG.
FORBES: Will SEC's Settlement In Valuation Case Be Part Of A Trend?