Still, there's a common denominator of exultant, almost dervishy gyration, along with an acting-out of aggression that can bear a startling resemblance to street fighting.
" "If everybody starts from the same place and still manages to create a totally different world from everybody else, they have that as a common denominator.
Such efforts will tend towards a lowest common denominator, which does not do justice to the complex richness of Europe and its changing interests.
That... produced a lowest common denominator document that satisfied almost no-one.
Series like Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Resident Evil and Dead Space have gone through identity crises in an attempt to appeal to a lower common denominator of gamers.
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This is bad for users, who miss out on cool new features or security fixes, but also bad for developers, who are forced to develop for a lowest common denominator lest they cause their app to break.
She may be single, married, a mother, or childless but the common denominator is a desire to learn how to live her life from a position of financial strength.
It was a "lowest common denominator" approach to suggest that Germany should reduce its competitiveness to deal with the region's crisis, she said.
Critics charge that we are headed towards a homogeneous global culture of the "least common denominator"--a McDonaldization or, in the performance arts, arguably a Madonnization.
Baker-Hamilton's theory goes that, since they have come up with a lowest-common-denominator report, there is no alternative to its adoption as U.S. policy.
Many of the state laws seeking to restrict what children may read demonstrate a lack of tolerance and prohibit access to ideas based on a lowest-common-denominator viewpoint.
There will be two levels of commitment sought from governments: consensus agreements, a sort of lowest common denominator approach, known as type one, and voluntary type two commitments, much more ambitious but entirely voluntary.
Like my COO friend, as I point to companies who have not only survived, but also thrived in periods of rapid change, the one common denominator is seldom a grand strategic vision.
She is also one of the few directors period who remains faithful to an artistic vision in a world of brainless, lowest-common denominator entertainment franchises.
His passion is to keep the bar high in a culture that often opts for the lowest common denominator.
One leading TV presenter has called it "lowest common denominator television", while a group called Smile You're On TV has called on viewers to place rubbish bins outside the offices of the channel screening the programme.
In none of these will it be easy to find a compromise that is any better than the lowest common denominator.
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These broad categories help us understand the what can only be described as the lowest-common denominator of information, what lots of people in a general audience may have in common.
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Indonesia, it is argued, is an artificial construct, with a bewildering collection of languages, religions and ethnic groups whose only common denominator is that the jigsaw once made up the Dutch East Indies.
News that the dreadlocked Bronx native known as "Face" had been found to be the common denominator in numerous HIV cases, including that of a 13-year-old girl, set off a panic in the small city and sent lines for HIV testing out clinic doors.
If anything, the logic goes, too many independent owners will go after the "greatest common denominator" of programming to solicit the most advertising, whereas a single owner will purposely create diversity to avoid overlap and cannibalization.
If the convention had to agree on a single text, they reason, it would probably come down to the lowest common denominator of the rival ideas.
ECONOMIST: The Belgians, that is, now in the European Union��s chair
If the Olympics seem to be too attentive to the broadcasters, the Olympic Games could start to feel like professional wrestling or the XFL. For a short time NBC did well televising the violent football games geared completely towards television's lowest common denominator.
As a result, web developers triangulate, attempting to build the best features they can based on the lowest common denominator lest they give up incremental market share (aka, revenue).
Tony Blair would not have been able to operate in the way that he has very successfully done so, in building the international coalition because if you have a common foreign policy or common defence policy, in the end you always have to go to the lowest common denominator.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Shadow Foreign Secretary Michael Ancram