• Walker, who as U.S. Comptroller General launched a quixotic antideficit crusade and now heads the antideficit foundation funded by Blackstone Group billionaire Peter G.

    FORBES: February Surprise?

  • The figure is in a report by the Comptroller and Auditor General on the safety of health services in NI.

    BBC: Surgeon

  • Most notably, as the result of a lengthy investigation as attorney general, Mr. Cuomo prosecuted former New York state Comptroller Alan Hevesi, who pleaded guilty to a felony corruption charge for his role in a pay-to-play pension scandal.

    WSJ: Bribe Fight In Spotlight

  • Raja was forced to resign from his post as minister on Nov. 14 after the Comptroller and Auditor General of India released a report that alleges he had rigged the sale of 2G spectrum in 2008 for prices far lower than market value.

    FORBES: India Raids Former Telecom Minister

  • In a report tabled in the parliament on Tuesday, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) said it found lapses in 22% cases where loans were written off.

    BBC: Indian farmer

  • The Commission quotes evidence given to a House of Lords committee earlier this year by the UK's Comptroller and Auditor General, Sir John Bourn, who said there were 500 accounts representing the expenditure of British central government.

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | Why the EU's audit is bad news

  • But both reports also cited failures and mistakes by Silver and his top staffers in a settlement that was reviewed by staffers from the Attorney General's Office and state Comptroller's Office.

    WSJ: Dem NY assemblywoman calls for Silver to resign

  • Burris, 71, also a Democrat, served Illinois from 1979 to 1992, first as state comptroller and later as attorney general.

    CNN: Obama chides Illinois governor's decision to fill Senate seat

  • When former New York State comptroller Alan Hevesi pleaded guilty last year in a pension-fund investigation by then-Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, he negotiated an agreement in which prosecutors stipulated there was no evidence to charge his sons with any crimes.

    WSJ: Another Rajaratnam Named in Ring

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