Generation of income account is a constituent element of primary distribution of income accounts.
He hopes to open a constituent office in Washington Heights, the heart of New York's Dominican community.
The protest leaders also want to nationalise Bolivia's oil and gas industry and convene a constituent assembly.
The prosecutor, like the Supreme Court, was appointed by a constituent assembly, over which Mr Miquilena presided.
Richard Moore said he considered legislation after a constituent's son was killed in a 2002 drowsy driving crash.
Soon, he called elections for a Democratic Constitutional Congress that would serve as a legislature and a Constituent Assembly.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Fujimori: The other side of the story
Success furthermore depends on tribal federations working together in a constituent assembly that is yet to be set up.
Mr Mesa has also given in to a demand for a constituent assembly.
Even overwhelming approval is not sufficient to turn a painting into an icon, although it is a constituent part of the process.
It depends, of course, on what is meant by empire, and therefore on what counts as a constituent part.
Global integration requires new thinking about trade statistics, which should be reported on a constituent value-added basis, if at all.
The incident comes as Libya's governing National Transitional Council prepares to hold elections for a constituent assembly in the coming weeks.
First, the make-up of the stockpile conforms to national security requirements and is a constituent element of the overall U.S. military capability.
The Supreme Electoral Court has resolved to convene elections on September 30, 2007 for the 130 delegates to a Constituent National Assembly.
This weekend Tunisians will become the first Arabs to elect a constituent assembly, which in turn will draw up a new constitution.
The document approved on July 25th by a Constituent Assembly dominated by supporters of Rafael Correa, the leftist president, is a 444-article behemoth.
They insist that Mr Zelaya violated the constitution by trying to convoke a constituent assembly which they fear might have prolonged his term.
Conservative MP Tim Loughton has said he will no longer respond to any communication from a constituent who accused him of being racist.
The huge support Correa received on April 15, 2007 has given him the legitimacy to convoke a Constituent Assembly to change the Constitution.
The Tamil Maanila Congress, a constituent of the United Front, had walked out after its leader lost the prime ministerial race to Mr Gujral.
This past September Ecuadorians went to the polls and voted for a constituent assembly whose function it will be to write a new constitution.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Ecuador's reforms: in the footsteps of Chavez
The UK and Ireland Blue Shield Committee, which is a constituent part of the ICBS, is a standing Committee of the UK National Commission's Culture Committee.
With only minor support of a few Representatives from other political parties, his administration had difficulties in trying to create a Constituent Assembly from the start.
Last year, Zelaya announced that he would hold a referendum to set up a constituent assembly that would change the constitution that barred him from reelection.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What's wrong with Insulza and the OAS
In a well written, somewhat academic speech Correa lays out these policies including the reformulation of the state constitution and the creation of a Constituent assembly.
Last fall, the senator's office wrote to the Pentagon after a constituent raised concerns about the story claiming that Guantanamo Bay detainees were eligible for military benefits.
Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Tavish Scott asked Mr Salmond how bad a crime had to be before the SNP would say no to making representations for a constituent.
President Rafael Correa's proposal to create a Constituent Assembly to rewrite Ecuador's Constitution won an overwhelming 81.7% of the votes in a national Referendum on April 15, 2007.