When it emerged that Ramesh Vassen, a party hack named last month as consul-general to Mumbai, had been disbarred as a lawyer for stealing clients' money, the government refused to sack him, on the ground that he was a good chap who deserved a second chance.
While the first minister was on a mission to China to promote trade and cultural links, that country's consul general highlighted the importance of foreign language assistants in acting as a "bridge of cultural exchanges".
"There's a lot of curiosity, " says former Consul General Moshe Ram, who has been regularly reminded of the wartime Jewish community since opening the Israel mission in Shanghai in 1994.
Late last year, Akiva Tor, Israel's Consul-General in San Francisco opposed a resolution put before the Jewish Federation board to boycott all groups that support boycotts and divestment from Israel.
And the technology accelerator program is likely to stay in place even after Mexico elects a new president in July, says Bruno Figueroa, consul general of Mexico in San Jose.
She made the comments shortly after a visit from Bryan Hunt, the U.S. consul general in the eastern Pakistani city.
Mr. RALPH LATORTUE (Haiti's Consul General for South Florida): President Preval sent a message to the international community asking for help and demanding, if possible, to have military bridges so they can reestablish communication with the rest of the country.
In Los Angeles, Consul-General Ya'akov Dayan was interviewed last year on a local radio show.
Saturday's shooting comes several months after Chile's consul general in Caracas was kidnapped, shot and wounded after leaving a hotel.
And Sir Charles Wilson, who was Britain's consul-general in Anatolia at the time, may well have had a license for his excavation, said Hall.
Dignitaries including Bloomberg and Ido Aharoni, the Israeli consul general in New York, will be among the speakers, said a person familiar with the arrangements, speaking on condition of anonymity because the person wasn't authorized to discuss them.
Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Gunmen targeted the car of the Italian consul general in Benghazi, Libya, on Saturday as he was leaving the consulate, the latest in a series of attacks targeting foreign missions and security officials in the eastern city.