Mathile admits that he was once an ineffective chief executive because he was too much of a control freak.
Britain's system, for all its reforms, allows a prime minister to smile and smile and still be a control freak.
For a control freak like Jobs, that's not a pleasant situation.
"I loved things, was materialistic and a control freak, " Power says.
Easier said than done, considering Stewart's reputation as a control freak.
Labour-supporting pop music entrepreneur Alan McGee has likened the party to Big Brother in George Orwell's novel 1984 and accused Tony Blair of being "a control freak".
More than a quarter of a century on, Mr Ecevit is feared within his party (now named the Democratic Left) as a control freak who delegates little responsibility.
Mr Jobs had a reputation as a control freak, and his critics complained that the products and systems he designed were closed and inflexible, in the name of greater ease of use.
ECONOMIST: The revolution that Steve Jobs led is only just beginning
And Gordon far from trying to be a control freak has actually delegated much more than Tony Blair did to Cabinet committees and has been willing simply to go along with those decisions.
Katie Taylor, the CEO of hotel brand Four Seasons, recently admitted to me that she is a bit of a control freak, but for the good of her and everyone around her, she tries to delegate.
Rodgers, a star of the 1980s, who is such a snorting-bull control freak that he's become a self-caricature.
When I began my career, I was a complete and total control freak.
The Streisand that emerges is an odd control freak, a damaged, needy and out-of-touch woman and yet very human.
For the second day running, the Labour leadership had to put up with a string of attacks on its economic policies and "control freak" tendencies.
She emerged on the list in 2008, when she gained total control of the company after her husband, Ken, died in a freak construction accident at their Wisconsin home.
The control freak's desire to be successful is strong, but it comes with a lot of self-inflicted pressure.