Is it possible to get hold of a copy of the last company accounts?
They couldn't quite understand why Muto was there for making a copy of a Gingrich clip.
You might be better off with a copy of Peterson's Complete Guide to Colleges.
The Philadelphia paper, I still have a copy of it, it has a two-inch column.
Even after the matter is resolved, keep a copy of the notice with your return.
To do so, a candidate would be required to show a copy of a birth certificate.
FORBES: Arizona Birther Bill Awaits Governor's Signature Into Law
You won't find them with a copy of Unlimited Riches or Leadership or Fast Company magazine.
Here's what you do: Download a copy of the United States Constitution, read it.
The FBI on Saturday made public a copy of the envelope addressed to Leahy.
Stop trying to fix them and instead, recommend they download a copy of Reinventing You.
Mill Financial filed in court a copy of an unlimited guarantee signed by Gillett in 2008.
FORBES: Mill Financial Sues George Gillett Personally For $117 Million Over Liverpool Loan
Mr Henshall, from Oxfordshire, worked on the show and kept a copy of Bowie's appearance.
Prosecutors demanded a copy of the conference call, and pounced when they heard Mr. Peace's comment.
WSJ: Standard Chartered Recants, Apologizes for Iran Comments
Chairman of BRAG Glen Mullan said the FA took a copy of the document to study.
Several years later, a neighbor lent Walker a copy of Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Silicon Alley Insider posted a copy of the order on its Web site Monday.
Around this time I picked up a copy of FORBES. Wow, what a different voice!
Below is a copy of my remarks to a group of students this past week-end.
He was lucky: his sister was able to fax a copy of his birth certificate.
The BBC obtained a copy of the latest report, which has not yet been officially released.
In Saving Private Ryan a general reads a copy of this famously inspiring missive.
Kurlander still keeps a copy of the script, autographed by Harbaugh, at his home in Pittsburgh.
WSJ: Super Bowl XLVII: Jim Harbaugh's 'Saved by the Bell' Cameo Lives on the Internet
Now, The Register has seen a copy of the guidelines Google issues to them.
FORBES: Is Google's Algorithm Really Just 1,500 Homeworkers? is a new website where you can get a copy of the report.
FORBES: Apple #1, Google #2 - 50 Innovative Companies Ranked By 1,500 Execs
His window rolled down and Martenson was handed termination papers and a copy of a lawsuit.
FORBES: Billionaire William Koch Accused Of Kidnapping And Imprisoning Executive On Colorado Ranch
He immediately realised that it was a copy of the painting in his family collection.
All she asks in exchange for identifying mosquitoes is a copy of their barcodes.
All he needed was a copy of Architectural Digest to look like someone she knew.
The Economist has a copy of their reports, which run to over 700 pages.
In physical space, there is a huge difference between an original and a copy of something.
FORBES: Cyber Security Fails As 3.6 Million Social Security Numbers Breached In South Carolina