To test out reaction, I take a copy of the book to an ultra-Orthodox Jewish study centre, where I meet a 22-year-old man in signature black hat and beard.
It included a copy of the book, of course, but also a few superuseless promotional items, including a black highlighter pen, and this version of the Superuseless Superpowers e-book.
It was recently reported that Barrack, a billionaire, wrote a memo to his employees about an experience he had while taking some personal time on his yacht off the Turkish coast. (Employees love getting these sorts of memos.) Barrack reported that his eye suddenly fell upon, of all things, a copy of the book Twilight.
The Kindle enables the user to read the electronic copy of a book on the move without worrying about the weight and volume that is usually associated with a physical book.
FORBES: Encouraging e-Book Sales and Competitive New Services Signal Bright Prospects for Amazon
Formatting and layout of text in the e-book may be different, but the informational content of an e-book will not differ in any substantive respect from that of a tangible, printed copy of the same book.
My friend Peter Robinson at the Hoover Institute at Stanford was kind enough to pass along a copy of my book The End of Medicine to his colleague, Nobel laureate and father of free market thinking Milton Friedman, who sadly passed away yesterday at the age of 94.
Every employee received a special edition copy of the book The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning, which declares this commitment on the very first page.
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Over the past few months, I have had the pleasure to spend time with Seth at Aprimo CMO roundtables and read a pre-published copy of the book.
During a recent presentation, I told my audience that whoever scored higher than my score of 84 could receive a free copy of my book, The 2020 Workplace.
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Aengus O'Snodaigh may have - pardon the pun - blotted his copy book as a result of the bizarre "Inkgate" affair, but the Taoiseach has inadvertently assisted Sinn Fein in diverting attention elsewhere.
BBC: Referenda still on the agenda on both sides of the border
As a consolation prize, we were all given a signed copy of his book on the 2010 campaign, Minority Verdict.
One such transceiver was found in Higazy's digital combination lock safe, along with his passport and a copy of the Koran, the Islamic holy book, the agents said.
The young man retreated to a portable booth tucked away at the end of the security line and fetched a dogeared paperback copy of my book.
Earlier in the day he did a food demonstration at the Sandy Lane Hotel where fans bought every copy of his new book, The Latin Road Home, his second cookbook, which tells the story of his food journey.
Before a recent business trip to Israel, someone handed me a copy of "Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle, " a book by Dan Senor and Saul Singer about Israel's culture of innovation and entrepreneurialism.
Its speediness results from its ability to trigger the recipient's e-mail program to send a copy of itself to everyone listed in the program's address book.
He won an autographed copy of the book "iWoz" for submitting a video of himself imitating Wozniak's dance moves to
Such was the state of my book collection when I received a copy of RISE: 3 Practical Steps for Advancing in Your Career, Standing Out as a Leader, and Liking Your Life by Patty Azzarello.
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Thus the form of the lecture: one person reading out one copy of a book to a multitude.
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Those you who have the pleasure of owning a copy of Nerds on Wall Street, my amusing yet allegedly informative book on modern markets, know that it features a photo collection of critters on trading floors.
The idea to make a Gatsby videogame came to Mr. Hoey one night when he was fiddling with an 8-bit copy of the book's cover art.