They were given 5 grams of a dietary supplement containing genistein every day for six months.
As a dietary supplement, it is thought to have antioxidant properties that speed healing and slow aging.
Some cardiologists say even the spate of recent research doesn't provide enough evidence for taking chocolate as a dietary supplement.
For example, there was something called red rice yeast that's been used as a dietary supplement in Asia for a long time.
But while in the US melatonin is sold in pharmacies as a dietary supplement, in the UK it is considered to be a medicine.
But to achieve the daily 1, 000 to 2, 000 international units (IUs) that most people need, a dietary supplement is almost always necessary, according to the report.
As a dietary supplement, carnitine is designated as "generally regarded as safe" by the Food and Drug Administration, but few studies have looked at its long-term safety.
If a dietary supplement is developed that successfully induces NQO1 in tumours, it is probable that it will enhance the activity of these new drugs as well.
The manufacturer, packer or distributor of a dietary supplement is required to notify the FDA of any adverse events linked to its product, according to agency spokeswoman Tamara Ward.
It is often marketed as a safe alternative to ephedra, and many people assume that because it is a dietary supplement and not a drug, it must be safer.
CNN: Is bitter orange extract a safer diet pill alternative?
It's not a prescription medication, it's a dietary supplement.
This is because the FDA considers it a new dietary supplement which needs to be tested for safe use before it can be approved as an additive in energy drinks and other such products.
Prior to and in support of passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act in 1994 this writer, a physician and medical researcher by training, sent all 535 Members of Congress a copy of a review paper he authored on antioxidants based on the review of over 330 papers and abstracts.
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This is covered up and downplayed even by the dietary supplement industry because after any ban on antioxidants, etc. they want to sell a lot more than just CoQ10!
FORBES: Extradite Andrew Wakefield To Face Fraud Charges In The UK
However, since 2007, dietary supplement manufacturers are required to follow certain guidelines to ensure they're pure, have a consistent strength and are manufactured appropriately.
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