Tellingly, it begins with the image of a sickly, tubercular child, rasping for breath in the night, and then the flare of a light as his older brother reaches for a dime-store paperback, a well-thumbed cowboy yarn he means to read before sleep.
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Barry Goldwater, who accused Eisenhower of supporting a "Dime Store New Deal, " proposed a different vision for Republicans.
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Call for Help's set decorations are confined to four dime-store terra-cotta pots and a hat rack holding a paper Burger King crown.
Many of those women also attended an anniversary party with top customers and, later, in- store events at Carolee counters -- without charging Friedlander a dime.
FORBES: Mother of pearls
On July 2, 1962, Sam Walton -- who'd previously operated a Ben Franklin variety store and his own Walton's Five and Dime -- opened the first Walmart (then "Wal-Mart") in Rogers, Arkansas.
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