The iPad has more tablet oriented apps, and a diverse range of easy-to-find and (sometimes) reasonably cheap content.
Unreal was used to bring a diverse range of environments to life, including desert, ice, urban, and jungle levels.
FORBES: Game Veteran Brian Fargo Gives Arcade Classic Choplifter An HD Upgrade
He said Guilfest had a diverse range of bands and attracted whole families.
For private investors, the new country offers a diverse range of opportunities.
The versatile 20W unit supports Near Field Communication (NFC), AirPlay and Bluetooth to wirelessly stream music from a diverse range of mobile devices.
ENGADGET: LG's 2013 AV lineup puts NFC into Blu-ray player, 9.1-channel home theater
But mobile presents a challenging environment with the rise of numerous operating systems, multiple device types and a diverse range of functions across devices.
The biography category features a diverse range of subjects including Mary Queen of Scots by John Guy and poet Stephen Spender by John Sutherland.
Between them, the islands now offer a diverse range of financial services, including trust and company formation and management, fund management and corporate banking.
The designers come from a diverse range of aesthetics and specialities.
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Twitter has blown my mind with the ability it has given me to connect with a diverse range of terrific people from all around the world.
Nokia will offer a diverse range of phones this year, boosting its feature phone business while betting big on Windows to propel its high-end smartphones to success.
In a place often described as a cross between Las Vegas and Disneyland, lawyers from around the globe are meeting to discuss a diverse range of issues.
Our panel included luminaries from a diverse range of fields: Tamika Catchings, professional basketball player, and founder of Catch the Stars Foundation, which works with at-risk youth.
Afroterminal also engages more intellectual members through a diverse range of social, economic and political blogs and articles written by seasoned African and Africa-friendly bloggers and professionals.
"It is highly automated and extremely technical and it includes a diverse range of fibers, including copper wire, to make a wide range of items of clothing, " she says.
Dan Moore, co-owner of Evergreen Escapes in Seattle, which offers urban kayaking, says the industry doesn't have a standard, in part because there is such a diverse range of locations.
The survey analyzes the attractiveness of Africa as an investment destination for foreign direct investors and is the result of analysis from 500 international business leaders polled from a diverse range of industries.
Edward Impey, director of heritage protection for English Heritage, said they would choose a diverse range of areas including urban, rural and those with higher economic challenges for the scheme which will run for a year.
Sunk just off Key West , an island in the Straits of Florida, in 2009, the Vandenberg is the second-largest artificial reef in the world, attracting a diverse range of marine animals and plant life.
Though her daily talk show still accounts for the bulk of her income, the Queen of All Media has cashed in with a diverse range of other projects, including a magazine, website and radio channel, regular TV specials and films.
"Nikon's new long zoom COOLPIX cameras provide consumers with the chance to capture a diverse range of subjects and scenes, whether near the subject or at a distance, " said Bo Kajiwara, Vice President of Marketing, Planning and Customer Experience, Nikon Inc.
ENGADGET: Nikon updates Coolpix compact lineup with S9500, sub-$200 S5200 and L28
It helps that Washington has such a diverse range of stage lovers: educated types who patronise the likes of the Shakespeare Theatre and the Folger, high-end production-philes at the National Theatre and niche performance-goers at the Pulitzer Prize-winning Studio.
But the cost of fragmentation is that there are so many competing sites, some run by lone individuals and others by organizations, that Americans have fewer sources that can expose them to a diverse range of stories and that can make clear the interconnections between events that are taking place.
What started out as perhaps more out of a spirit of defiance demonstration has evolved into a widespread celebratory mood, embraced by a diverse range of artists, both emerging and established, who recall a more innocent time when the Saturday morning visit to the record store was a voyage of discovery.
The week of programming kicks off with a special travelogue documentary Eye on Russia: Moving Forward where CNN's Moscow-based Senior International Correspondent Matthew Chance rides the train from the Arctic north of Murmansk down to the southern climes of Sochi by way of St Petersburg and Moscow, to offer a diverse range of reports.
Adam Mossoff, Professor at George Mason University School of Law and an invited panelist at the December 10 FTC-DOJ workshop, on behalf of the Innovation Alliance, which represents innovators, patent owners and stakeholders from a diverse range of industries that believe in the critical importance of maintaining a strong patent system that supports innovative enterprises of all sizes.
FORBES: Policy Debates On Patents Should Focus On Facts, Not Rhetoric
Expanding our federal contracting efforts to include a range of diverse small businesses provides a broader range of markets, goods, and services to the federal marketplace, expands the range of innovation and creativity that the government has at its disposal, and is yet another way this administration is helping put a wide range of Americans back to work.
WHITEHOUSE: Renewing the American Dream: Caf�� con Leche and Diversity
The iON Adventure is one of three cameras iON is unveiling at CES 2013 in its quest to deliver a full line of cameras tailored to meet the diverse needs of a broad range of pro and consumer users.
ENGADGET: iON reveals Adventure and Air Pro 2 sports cameras, we go hands on
Then there is the argument, put forward by David Llewellyn, professor of banking at Loughborough University, that allowing the mutuals to die out will mean a less diverse range of institutions offering savings and mortgages, leading to weaker competition and so to higher prices.
Huge stores hawking a wildly diverse range of complex electronics, computers and appliances with minimal staffing virtually guarantees that repeat customers will be rare.