Forced lay-offs can feed a downward spiral of weaker spending and job losses.
That would sharply raise debt-servicing costs, pitching the government into a downward spiral of surging interest rates and rising deficits.
We learned this lesson with the Smoot-Hawley Tariff in the early 1930s, which led to a downward spiral of world trade.
Like a gorgeous former child star trapped in a downward spiral of drugs and rock n' roll, Devotion Implosion is a hazy, beautiful mess.
When a fund goes into a downward spiral of losses, redemptions and rising expense ratios, the buying and holding of fund shares cease to make sense.
When states fail to respond to the competitive advantages that fiscally responsible rivals such as Indiana have expanded, it can result in a downward spiral of state government revenues.
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Nobody is yet suggesting America is suffering from deflation, which can trigger a downward spiral of falling prices, shrinking demand and financial distress: a vicious circle America last experienced in the 1930s depression.
Prices and incomes go down together and once that pattern becomes anticipated, deflationary psychology causes a destructive downward spiral of spending.
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And that in turn would lead to a further downward spiral of sales and prices which would make the impending economic recession even worse.
It means less folks are being hired, and we can be back in a downward spiral instead of the kind of virtuous cycle that we want to see.
Although he helped pull South Korea out of a financial downward spiral, many of his promised economic reforms failed to materialize.
This situation can create a downward spiral because the rewards of rent-seeking are often constant, whereas the surpluses available in a market economy are more variable.
She also highlighted the danger of a downward spiral: fewer people studying languages after 14 would mean fewer future language teachers.
"Kuwait has taken something of a downward spiral, " said Farah al-Nakib, a young U.S.-educated woman who wouldn't be caught dead in a veil.
Monetary expansion plus targeted programs to help reduce payments on mortgages are important ways to help soften the blow of a downward spiral in housing, and should help boost employment.
And yet, although tumbling house prices and a sharp credit contraction could indeed pull the economy into a noxious downward spiral, the evidence of such an economic disaster is, as yet, slim.
Weak banks in peripheral countries remain vulnerable to a downward spiral in which their holdings of government bonds are downgraded and fall in value, forcing them to come up with ever more collateral to keep borrowing from the central bank.
It explains Germany's insistence on government spending cuts for all - including itself - even though Keynesian economists say this is a sure-fire way of pushing the entire eurozone economy into a dangerous downward spiral.
This is the easiest method of all in a downward spiral toward undermining yourself.
The series of medical events caused a downward financial spiral for both petitioner and intervenor.
Prominent economists have drawn an eerie parallel between today's events and those of the early 1930s when, as the world limped in the aftermath of the 1929 Wall Street crash, a banking crisis in Europe took the world economy into another downward spiral and led to an explosion of extremist politics that, ultimately, set the pathway to World War II.
Over the weekend, we were treated to a smorgasbord of self-justification from Herman Cain and Jerry Sandusky, who, as they spiral downward and hopefully out of the public eye, seem unable to just shut up.
"It's the fear of a U.S. News downward spiral, " said Mr. Henderson.
The banking system was not functioning correctly and we had to either fiscally stimulate the economy or watch the economy tumble further and further down in a self-sustaining downward spiral, that would horribly damage hundreds of millions of people.
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The downward spiral is striking particularly hard in the Caribbean, where a majority of species are now losing a fragile hold in the ecosystem.
In the onset of the Great Depression, this downward spiral continued, uninterrupted, for two and a half grueling years.
The fear is that rather than give the firms a breathing space in which they could complete the restructuring of their operations and extract further concessions from the union, Chapter 11 would set off a downward spiral.
The current downward spiral was triggered by a Special Ordinance to rein in microfinance institutions that was approved late last week by the government of Andhra Pradesh.
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When I first came home, there were months of isolation where I was too proud and too ashamed to talk about my feelings -- a downward spiral that almost ended in suicide.