Some 25% in revenue of what is potentially billions of pounds worth of oil will, however, be a huge boost to a country which has never successfully extracted a drop of oil in the past.
Gliding across Prince William Sound by kayak, you can't imagine that the 986-foot Exxon Valdez ever spewed a drop of crude oil, let alone 11 million gallons.
And that, despite claims that this would somehow -- this pipeline would somehow solve the pain that families are feeling at the pump today, the company itself has said it would take years before a single drop of oil would flow through that pipeline.
The latter's batteries can be charged off the electrical grid (which is almost entirely powered by non-oil fuels) and operate for upwards of twenty miles without using a drop of gasoline, and for a fraction of the cost of oil-based fuels.
The price increases of recent months have stemmed from a marked drop in stockpiles of oil, particularly in America.
Sapphire Energy earlier this month began production of a drop-in replacement oil made from algae.
Further strengthening the Canadian side of this pair was the US Crude Oil Inventories report which showed a surprise drop of 5.1 million barrels.
They are demanding Democrats end the federal ban on offshore drilling, saying it could lead to a drop in oil prices given the expectation of increased supply.
CNN: Ties to Bush on offshore drilling may hurt McCain this fall
Growth in U.S. real imports slowed to about 3 percent in 2006, in part reflecting a drop in real terms in imports of crude oil and petroleum products.
We learned nothing from Goodluck Jonathan's appearance in this fashion bible except that the president was trying to rebrand his country through a fashion magazine and to name drop a couple of Nigerian fashion designers with his ministers of tourism and oil in tow.
The AMR example is cute, but is it possible that a tremendous drop in oil prices (always a boon to airline shares) might have been the proximate cause of the rally, the positive social sentiments merely coinciding with that?
There are some systems that actually will take a circle and drop it just below the surface of the water and have the oil kind of flow into it, almost like a drain, recover it and pump it out.
If all of them started to telecommute instead of drive to work, oil imports would drop by over a quarter, and carbon emissions would fall by 67m metric tonnes a year.
Lundberg attributes most of the latest drop to lower crude oil prices, but she also credits a more plentiful supply.
But in the absence of fiscal tightening that significantly cuts the non-oil and gas fiscal deficit, a severe and sustained drop in the oil price would have a damaging impact on the Russian economy and public finances and would likely lead to a downgrade, Fitch warned.
Abrams, senior fellow for middle eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, said President Obama has a better chance of effectively employing sanctions against Iran than President Bush did due to two factors: the drop in cost of oil and the possibility of increased cooperation from Russia and China.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Elliott Abrams predicts Obama, Bibi faceoff