The result is rapidly rising debt service costs, along with the weakened revenue spun out of a faltering economy.
Last week, disappointing economic growth data for the first quarter added to fears of a faltering recovery.
Since Mr Giuliani is the front-runner for the Republican nomination, albeit a faltering one, this detail matters.
Peach facade and all, Straya is increasing the city's sales-tax revenues and feeding new life into a faltering block.
Against a background of a faltering economy and stockmarket, there have been odd stirrings among a shunned group of shares.
This was part of a faltering dialogue begun under the previous Indian government in 2004, and resumed by Mr Singh last September.
ECONOMIST: What peace process? Kashmiris are entitled to ask
Germany remains a beacon of light in the European economy, showing tremendous resilience in the midst of a faltering Euro bloc.
Late last summer, Algeria finally unveiled a collection of legislative changes meant to kick-start a faltering, but incredibly important oil and gas sector.
With glacial speed, Alan Greenspan is coming around to the view that a faltering economy, not incipient inflation, is the most immediate threat.
Japan's stock market is staging its biggest rally in years on optimism that a faltering yen and economic-stimulus measures will revive corporate profits.
And big studios and independent outfits are sharply trimming their film output in response to the credit crunch and a faltering DVD market.
Its typical response to a faltering economy is to trim manufacturing costs, including wages, in order to keep exports keenly priced against other countries.
Then in May 2003 Boone became the first patient to try a new cancer drug from a faltering biotech boutique, Ariad Pharmaceuticals of Cambridge, Mass.
That is the main reason why a fast rate of catch-up by the emerging markets would be better for the West than a faltering one.
Obama's proposals for spending on infrastructure and alternative energy could also be moved forward to provide stimulus and job creation for a faltering economy, says Levy.
And growth will slow inexorably unless several serious structural weaknesses are fixed, including a faltering education system, low workforce participation and a sometimes sclerotic public sector.
America currently has a likeable president and a faltering economy.
It was a faltering start, but it was also strangely symbolic of my mission -- namely, to explore what Microsoft's latest operating system can do for regular desktop folk.
And it will have to live with the economic aftermath of a decade in which three administrations were frequently distracted from a faltering economy by the demands of overseas conflicts.
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But if Orange and T-Mobile do not persuade plenty of Vodafone, O2 and Three customers to switch sides, then Britain's 4G revolution will have got off to a faltering start.
Maduro inherits a faltering economy beset by incurable problems.
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In its only reaction to a faltering world economy which has hit most German and US car makers, Porsche said it would concentrate on sales of its higher margin Turbo 911 model.
The prime minister, who took over a faltering alliance that has ruled Malaysia since independence, evidently isn't keen on a redundancy when voters get another shot in parliamentary elections in 2012 or 2013.
And after a faltering start, the Asians, particularly Nissan and Toyota, are beginning to make inroads into the market for light trucks and SUVs, and have a load of new products ready for launch.
Former Real Madrid and Milan coach Capello's reputation took a major knock following England's dismal display at the World Cup, where a faltering campaign came to a premature end as the team were outclassed by Germany in the last 16.
An infusion of foreign talent into a country with a faltering professional league and poor World Cup performances has paid dividends over the long term in knowledge-sharing and experience, contributing to revivals of both professional league and World Cup play.
Freddie Mac, the mortgage banking giant that has been a unit of the U.S. government since 2008, reported a smaller loss than last year amid a still faltering housing market.
He was a stuttering, faltering, disbelieving young man, much like the young Moses in his pride.
The Spaniard also gave himself a great chance of reviving his faltering title challenge if he can secure a third win of the season on Sunday.