Weight bias has been documented among doctors, nurses, fitness instructors and other professionals on whom a fat person might need to rely for help.
CNN: Big deal: You can be fat and fit
Of course, for a dramatist looking for a subject, Best is like an all-you-can-eat buffet placed in front of a very fat person.
BBC: Best's life on and off the pitch told in musical
Whether slim or fat, a person leading a sedentary lifestyle has similar chances of dying young to a smoker.
BBC: Laziness will send us to an early grave
Conversely, BMI may underestimate body fat in a very small-framed person, someone who has very little muscle mass, or a person who carries his or her excess weight mainly around the midsection and has very thin arms and legs (the so called apple shaped body type).
CNN: Can BMI be adjusted for muscular builds?
The autopsy conducted after his death found "extensive contusions of his chest, arms, shoulder and back, " as well as "evidence of crushing of areas of subcutaneous fat" -- which is the fatty tissue directly under a person's skin.
In a very large-framed or muscular person like you, BMI may overestimate body fat.
CNN: Can BMI be adjusted for muscular builds?