It is shaping up to be a fierce competition, drawing in such seasoned military-radio players as Exelis, Harris and Northrop Grumman.
From the start, Motown was a place of fierce competition and collaboration.
WSJ: Smokey Robinson: A Most Enduring Miracle | Cultural Conversation by Marc Myers
Fierce competition and a limited supply of talent is resulting in high turnover rates.
If there were a handful of lotteries in fierce competition, none would be able to make excessive profits.
Ballet is a world where competition is fierce, and where the artistic director wields considerable influence in making or breaking careers.
It is now one of Hong Kong's most revered culinary traditions and is considered a staple meal, with fierce competition among top restaurants and hotels to win the loyalty of the families who make it their Sunday ritual.
So imagine a business in the midst of fierce competition with production deadlines, new initiatives, etc.
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In some markets, such as Britain's, that has led to dominance by just a few banks, despite apparently fierce competition between banking brands.
There is a run on mouthwash in Salvador, where kissing as many people as possible has become as traditional a Carnival pastime as watching the fierce competition between samba schools in Rio de Janeiro.
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Big companies outsource manufacturing through contractors, then subcontractors, and fierce retail competition translates into a squeeze on factories in Bulgaria, China, Indonesia or wherever.
Price competition is fierce as a result, and freight operators know that they can only get just so many yuan for hauling a ton of freight between, say, Beijing and Shanghai.
Like many legacy carriers, PAL struggles to cope with a bloated payroll, high fuel costs and fierce competition from budget airlines.
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The hottest market is India, where the combination of a staid state broadcaster with a free-to-air monopoly and fierce competition among cable and satellite companies has boosted pay-TV.
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Apple faces particularly fierce competition from Samsung, which sells a broader variety of phones.
In 2008, faced with a sagging U.S. economy and fierce international competition from South American rose growers, Pinchbeck found himself priced out of the market.
At a time when the EU is trying to persuade reluctant countries to open up their energy markets to the fierce winds of competition and abandon the French idea of "national champions", Gazprom is a very vivid example that such allegedly old-fashioned out-of-date thinking can work dramatically well for the country concerned.
And in NYC, where competition is fierce, carriers are in a bit of a price war.
We had been competing against a company called Scopus, and the competition had been fierce.
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In countries that can, and do, use hydro as a power source, the competition for contracts is becoming fierce.
Publishers certainly need to evolve their methods to combat fierce competition from Amazon and other companies offering a quick solution to publishing.
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Fierce competition from the likes of Samsung, a strong currency - although there are signs the yen in weakening - and strategic mistakes, have undermined the country's global leadership in electronics.
Fierce competition in the credit card business and a wave of huge mergers concentrated the industry in the hands of a few major players: Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Capital One Financial and American Express.
Durand joined the company in January 1995 just as Lupron was facing fierce competition, from Zeneca's Zoladex, a lower-cost rival.
His pupils, mostly in their 20s or 30s, are taught a straightforward system of bidding and play, and competition, though fierce, is deliberately friendly.
And once a drug goes generic, the firm that created the medicine must deal with fierce competition from other manufacturers.
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Cost-cutting alone is not a path to survival in the face of continued declines in print revenue and fierce competition in the digital world.
Competition remains fierce, too: As Livermore pointed out, a laid-off consultant isn't like a factory that gets mothballed during a recession--he's still out there looking for business.
Decrease in activity coupled with fierce competition from investors targeting distressed inventory means the possibility of picking up a decent fixer-upper at a discounted price from the bank has greatly narrowed.
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The competition was extremely fierce, and the final list is in fact a distillation--pun intended--from the larger selection of great scotches that I have come to appreciate over a couple of decades of tasting.