"Anyone who goes from totally invested to totally uninvested is a fool, " says Wigmore.
But I would be a fool if I didn't suspect some of them are not legal.
Because clones of popular web sites still are almost a fool-proof formula for success in China.
And since neither of them is a fool, both crack their cheeks trying to sound sympathetic.
There is, as has been widely observed, no such thing as a fool-proof system.
If you act as your own defense attorney, you have a fool for a client.
FORBES: Who can manage your wealth for you? Look in the mirror.
So it is in life: a fool through and through, and yet he wants to express himself.
True enough, forecasting stock prices into the far far future can make a fool out of anyone.
Which would make Carson even more of a fool if he tried to come here to visit.
But now, it seems, the Fund reckons it has been made a fool of once too often.
Only a fool would ignore the moves of Uncle Sam, particularly with government spending higher than ever.
And I will go in head-first and come out smiling, laughing and euphoric, a fool overwhelmed with delight.
In Shakespeare's plays, the only major bourgeois character, Antonio, is a fool because of his affection for Bassanio.
WSJ: Cultural Conversation: The New Theories of Moral Sentiments
Only a fool tries to reason with the wind hoping to persuade it to blow in another direction.
FORBES: Chronicling The Decline And Fall Of Entitlement Democracy
"The industry said I was a fool--looking at wood and thinking I could machine it like metal, " he says.
Given that most stock options in new start-up companies are never worth anything, this would seem a fool's errand.
"Just doing parades and making a fool of yourself, " recalls John Clark, 70, a Caveman and retired mobile-home repairman.
WSJ: As Oregon Town Evolves, Caveman Heads the Way of the Dodo
Anyone who says they can confidently predict global climate changes or effects is either a fool or a fraud.
FORBES: Climate Forecasting Models Aren't Pretty, And They Aren't Smart
But it takes either a fool or a knave to swallow Mr Hussein's countervailing plea that he has none.
Don't be afraid to trip, stumble, make a fool out of yourself sometimes.
But bringing them down close to zero, in government or in any other sphere, will remain a fool's errand.
He also admitted that he was reluctant to make a fool of himself.
The gaffe-prone Mr Fong could still make a fool of himself on television.
Mr. Obama would be a fool to confront the CIA on two fronts.
WSJ: Reuel Marc Gerecht: The Meaning of al Qaeda's Double Agent
You'd be a fool to sell this outfit short under existing rules, since you could get caught in a squeeze.
But like a fool I kept it in, just because it was really, really interesting, and had really, really happened.
What must be remembered by the firms searching for growth through government largesse is that this is a fool's paradise.
So my anger turned out not to be justified, and for that reason I felt even more of a fool.
Parents who will give their child the right look when the child begins to act a fool and throw a tantrum.
Then pointed his gloved left fist at me and shouted, you must be a fool to get in the ring with me.