Over time, he was successful enough to start his own dealership and was making amends to get a formal education.
These Victorian legacies include: reliance on the generalist class teacher rather than specialist subject teachers, lower per pupil funding than in secondary schools, lower status for primary school teachers, a formal education starting age of five, and long summer holidays which are left over from the days when children were needed to bring in the harvest.
You can be a college graduate with a white collar job, or a skilled factory worker with no formal education, or a technical type with an education somewhere in the middle.
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So I would hate to think people feel they are counted out of entrepreneurship because of a lack of formal education.
This means that out of the 350 successful entrepreneurs, a mere 50 had formal business education.
A. Zong has little formal education and has come up the hard way.
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Formal education was a lower priority for Donald himself, who enrolled in five schools in 15 years before earning his undergraduate business degree from Century College in Albuquerque.
He started out as a peasant himself, ending his formal education at 14.
This progression signals a growing ability to cope with formal education, not just in algebra but also in the humanities.
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He had some formal education, including a course in literature at New York University, but like many in his circle, he was mostly self-taught.
Again, there is a clear hierarchy to development, and formal education and training is the first step.
But if the goal is to become rich, years of formal education may simply be a waste of time.
Investment takes many forms, not just formal education, but buying a house in a neighborhood with the best schools, paying for informal and extra-curricular tutoring, classes, cram-schools, camps, foreign travel, etc.
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Jomtien made a distinction between early childhood development and formal preschool education, and this distinction is relevant to the United States.
There is a formal, written contract with the Abu Dhabi Education Council, but INSEAD declined to provide a copy, citing a confidentiality agreement.
If a child is refused a place at a school by a local education authority or school governing body, parents do have a right to a formal appeals procedure, usually established by the authority.
What formal education he got was at a Catholic school, which he attended until he was 14 to please his bourgeois grandparents: it left him with a love of well-written French and a loathing of organised religion.
Promote and use OER to widen access to education at all levels, both formal and non-formal, in a perspective of lifelong learning, thus contributing to social inclusion, gender equity and special needs education.
Mr. Biswas is a 23-year-old orphan with a wife, a 3-year-old daughter and no formal education.
With no formal education, he busied himself as a sharecropper and day-labourer, working on railways and in mines until the Depression hit.
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Recognising the value of the free time that most prisoners have in prison, many correctional institutions offer skills and vocational training as well as formal and non-formal education programmes as complimentary parts of a sentence.
Participants who pass this test are awarded high school graduation certificates by the Department of Education, which enable them to continue to higher education or seek formal employment at a similar level to formal school graduates.
Tonga was the first country in the Pacific to formally launch ESD in 2007 and a number of ESD activities have been happening in the formal education sector.
But beyond a set of enthusiastic early adopters, the use of technology in formal education remained largely stalled.
Located in a very disadvantaged area at the border of Bou Hlel district, it has 157 pupils and has lead for a year, successful activities in the field of non-formal citizenship education.
It gave me the confidence to work as a middle school science teacher in a Mexican barrio in San Diego, California even though I had no formal education training or experience with the culture.
In the absence of any formal evidence on whether business school education helps or hinders becoming a successful entrepreneur, I am inclined to rely on their judgement: business school education helps, if you want to become a successful entrepreneur.
Military service had a neutral effect on socioeconomic attainment, and therefore did not substitute for additional formal education among these veteran enlisted men.
The governmental National Network of Centres for Education for Environmental and Sustainable Development (EESD) is a supportive structure of the actions applied at schools and in other sites of formal education.
Anguilla established a 24-hour emergency operations center, developed multiple ways to receive tsunami warnings and alert the public, developed a formal tsunami hazard plan, conducted emergency exercises and promoted public readiness through community education.