• And the movie hits a bad bump when it weds the celebration of a free spirit to anti-sexist melodrama.

    NEWYORKER: Rambling Rose

  • Goldie Hawn plays a free spirit named Gwen, who takes charge of a floundering Boston architect named Newton Davis (Steve Martin).

    NEWYORKER: Housesitter

  • Brendan is a free spirit, a non-conformist, always challenging authority.

    NPR: Red Sox Game Locks in a Father's Day Memory

  • Samsung Opto-Electronics has been a free spirit until now, but Sammy says that in order to achieve its goal of becoming one of the top three digital camera vendors in the market by 2010, it's going to have to tame those wild horses and bring everything under one roof.

    ENGADGET: Samsung to integrate camera division with other units, make two hearts beat as one

  • This week, Tampa Bay Rays ace David Price, a noted free spirit, told Fox Sports that he wouldn't sign a long-term deal with the Yankees, or any team, that had a policy like that.

    WSJ: Yankees: No Beards��And That's Final

  • He captures both the unpredictable menace of Mesrine and his near-comical showmanship the sense of a feckless free spirit who grew convinced, thanks in large part to the media, that he was something greater.

    NEWYORKER: Mesrine

  • In case we missed the blooming-and-blossoming theme, the heroine, Charlie (Jennifer Lopez), a Venice Beach free spirit who works as a dog-walker, caterer, and temp, also paints floral whatnots on the walls of her apartment.

    NEWYORKER: Monster-In-Law

  • Traditional rights of use to certain pastures were eroded, as Robin Mearns of the World Bank puts it, by a spirit of free-for-all.

    ECONOMIST: Nomadism in Mongolia

  • In this one, a graduate student in art, Evelyn (Rachel Weisz), a fire-breathing free spirit, unaccountably takes up with an overweight and maladroit undergraduate, Adam (Paul Rudd).

    NEWYORKER: The Shape of Things

  • Cumbersome rules favor incumbents and established interests, which goes against the spirit of a free, entrepreneurial society.

    FORBES: Fact And Comment

  • At the time of his death, Mr Bebbington's family described him as a "kind and generous free spirit" who enjoyed roaming the countryside writing poetry and music.

    BBC: Guy Benson Bebbington

  • Bond, as an imagined agent of British culture, is an opportunity for a free-swinging, gun-toting male identity to be linked to a national spirit.

    FORBES: 007 On The Couch

  • High John is a spirit who comes from Africa to free the slaves, and also to confound the master.

    NPR: Walter Mosley: A Slave's Flight to Freedom in '47'

  • It's a day that celebrates the free and fiercely independent spirit that this great American city of Boston has reflected from the earliest days of our nation.

    BBC: Boston explosions: Obama statement

  • This crude, spontaneous style shattered existing design conventions for a lasting break with tradition, although the free spirit was lost to the even greater computer-graphics revolution of the '80s.

    WSJ: When the Outrageous Became Mainstream

  • In the spirit of its roots, NetZero even has a free plan that caps bandwidth at 200 MB of data per month.

    FORBES: Review: NetZero's Back with More Free Internet

  • What better symbol is there of the beauty of the human spirit than a device that harnesses the power of flight to deliver free merchandise into the hands of deserving fans hundreds of feet away?

    WSJ: Basketball Diaries

  • The movie, which delights in its low-lit scumminess, follows Porter on a quest to retrieve his money and, more broadly, to assert his determined free spirit.

    NEWYORKER: Payback

  • But the man who's become one of the most visible advocates for a free and open Web over the past year says that the very idea goes against the spirit of what he's fighting for.

    CNN: Reddit co-founder: I'm not mayor of the Internet

  • One group of people who should join the fray are Muslim thinkers who live in the West and are hence free to interpret their own religion, and interact with other faiths, in a more generous spirit than tends to be possible in the more conservative atmosphere of most Muslim-majority societies.

    ECONOMIST: Islam and Christianity

  • In the spirit of turning this blog into less of a podium and more of salon please feel free to chime below with those experiences.

    FORBES: What's Going On During Open Enrollment At Your Company?

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