That should unleash some healthy competition: Within a few years it may not be uncommon to buy a set-top digital box that can not only decode cable transmissions, but is also a web browser, a game machine and a DVD player.
"I feel a device like Wii U, with its ability to continue to offer new features and that network connection and the connection to the TV and the interface, really makes it feel that it's more than just a game machine, but something that offers a lot of practical use and practical purpose in the living room, " he said.
One reason for the decline, analysts believe: It's been years since a new game machine was released.
Instead of displaying the pixels and textures in a game, 3D machine vision is pulling in those polygons and textures into the compute device.
The game is a constructed system, a machine, and if it is a single-player game, it will be enjoyed, completed, and discarded.
This action followed a letter to state officials from a couple who, driving back to Boston on Christmas Eve, noticed a "young man pointing a life-sized machine gun" at a video game inside the Massachusetts Turnpike's plaza in Charlton, about 100 miles from Newtown.
CNN: Gun violence task force meets with makers of video games
This action followed a letter to state officials from a couple who, on their way back toward Boston on Christmas Eve, noticed a "young man pointing a life-sized machine gun" at a video game inside the Massachusetts Turnpike's plaza in Charlton, about 100 miles from Newtown.
Players trek through the game as Edgar, a vending machine toy in search of his owner.
Asahi in Japan offers the first word on how the 3DS achieves its 3D-ness by suggesting that the new portable game machine with feature a parallax barrier LCD from Sharp.
But if you're a 3D-game fan, this machine's Diamond Viper V7770 graphics card will probably be the major draw: It delivered smooth motion and solid performance in our tests using Redline Racer and Incoming.
That enabled them to install a racing game and play it, using the machine's pin pad and screen.
ENGADGET: Security experts hack payment terminals to steal credit card info, play games
Kasparov talked about the game more like a poet than a calculating machine.
Northeastern University researchers made Nexi the key ingredient of an experiment where subjects were asked to play a Prisoner's Dilemma-style game immediately after a conversation, whether it was with a human or a machine.
ENGADGET: Nexi robot helps Northeastern University track effects of shifty body language (video)
Although the Xbox 360 came out a year before PlayStation 3, Microsoft's game machine has been more popular, largely because of its robust online service, Xbox Live, which allows people to play games with others online.
Microsoft's own game machine, the Xbox 360, is a bona fide extender.
By analyzing the results of every play in every NFL game in history and the circumstances surrounding them Prediction Machine was able to build a formula that can estimate a team's chances of winning the game before and after any play.
Jasper is making up for the revenue shortfall by pitching his audio technologies to new customers, winning a place for it in both the hot Xbox 360 game machine and as an option in all new Volvo models, which will offer home-theater-quality Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound.
At the time, many of us were uncomfortable or even incredulous at the prospect that a machine might actually beat a man at this uniquely human game.
Len Ainsworth gained a solid foothold in Las Vegas for his small betting-machine company, Ainsworth Game Technology, and saw its stock quadruple over the past year.
Squat and black, like some evil shoebox, the machine weighs a Brobdingnagian 8 pounds, not only heavier than the other game consoles but probably most VCRs and DVD players as well.
Nintendo sank into a loss the previous fiscal year largely because of price cuts for its hand-held 3DS game machine, which shows three-dimensional imagery without special glasses.
The Betamax lost out because, unlike the VHS machine, it couldn't record for the full three hours needed to cover a baseball game.
ECONOMIST: The battle to succeed the DVD has only just begun
Nearly all of us have played a slot machine, but ultimately, we figure out the rules and patterns and come to understand that the game is designed to take our money, so we move on.