Although 4G has become part of our daily vocabulary, there is no 5G standard that exists today. 5G is simply agenericterm for the next generation network.
During that time, the word "moor" itself underwent a change of definition: Originally meaning a Muslim, it became agenericterm for any person from Africa or from the Ottoman Empire.
And Jannuzzo acted as pit bull in notifying 12 record labels that the company objects to artists using the word "Glock" in rap songs such as Dr. Dre's "Bitches Ain't Shit, " mainly out of fear that Glock's name will become agenericterm for handgun.
"Generic Prozac is a nice, large onetime cash generator, but Barr has assembled a very strong near-term product lineup that is going to continue to drive an accelerating growth profile over the next couple of years, " says Elliot Wilbur, specialty pharmaceuticals analyst at CIBC Oppenheimer.