The upshot, then, is that though Clausewitz has had a good run, his advice in this regard could soon become redundant.
In 2007 Manchester United defender Gary Neville called for "the removal of agents from the game", arguing that players didn't "need people taking hundreds of thousands of pounds off them, just good advice from a solicitor or an accountant".
Some of your other tips such as getting variations of the domain and wrapping up a deal quickly are good pieces of advice.
Readers looking for detailed and specific advice on being a good manager may feel that the authors' message is a little too vague.
But a good friend gave me some wise advice.
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Dr Vivienne Nathanson, head of science and ethics at the British Medical Association, said the advice provides "a good steer" for doctors on how to approach the difficult area of end of life care.
His belief that the typical individual could make a profit in the market by getting good advice and sticking to basic commonsense rules.
Second, if you've made a few attempts and your eye doctor's office is open, it's a good idea to call right away for advice.
Whatever you do and whatever kind of taxpayer you are (business, individual or charity), be a good consumer when it comes to tax advice.
In an institution dominated by investment bankers, the need of brokers to earn commissions by selling the bank's own investment products may be given a higher priority than offering the customer good advice.
They are getting bad advice and bad advice for free is never a good deal.
We appreciate good service, a smile, maybe some advice or tips, and a nice handshake on the way out.
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It offers no quick fixes or get-rich-quick advice, but it is a good book to keep readers grounded in reality.
Some companies, like Mindspring, seem to have been well nurtured on good management and marketing advice and a clear path to the money.
It's never a good idea to blindly accept a piece of advice, even if it comes from the mouth of a financial planner.
Determining whether someone who was initially attracted to you for whatever reason--because you've spent the last three years in the gym doing crunches, or because you're Ronald Perelman--is sincerely in love with you for who you are requires emotional insight, the advice of trusted friends and a good pre-nup lawyer.
Starting the day on Wednesday, I tweeted jocularly that I didn't know whether to attend a UUP event marking the 15th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement or take the advice of the SDLP leader Alasdair McDonnell by treating the day as a public holiday.
Most of the advice is quite good, though a few pointers seem forced.
But when it comes to cars like the S80, Volvo could use some advice--or at least a good prodding--from Ford's other luxury divisions.
But I have a different view: If you want to give clients good advice, experience counts.
The fashion advice Dedrick lives by is to have a good tailor on hand.
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Scots can be insular, but on a good day, they take the national bard's advice to see themselves as others see them.
This is, says the Assembly Commission, a free-of-cost reminder of some very good advice ( which wasn't free, as you may remember).
It takes a lot to get used to but she has very good advice and I think she has handled it as well as it could possibly have been handled.
Still, the author, a beleaguered dad whose daily child-negotiation obligations make my own life look like a walk in the park, says that all the good advice from experts in the world is not good enough to stop him, his wife, and their friends from resorting to bribery.
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So the best advice of all may be to get a very good security system.
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ABC's Good Morning America played a clip of Woodruff Monday recounting the advice he received from Jennings.
Conflict of interest ridden advice is bad advice and bad advice, even for free, is never a good deal.
FORBES: U.S. Institute Senior Delegates�� Roundtable Speech (June 7, 2004 )