At first she said Ms Kaur was "meticulous and professional", but her behaviour soon changed with colleagues regarding her as inflexible and "not agoodteamplayer".
That might be perfectly fine for an employee progressing toward mid-level management, for whom agreement or silence can mean being agood soldier, ateamplayer.
"It is good news for Burkina Faso, for the team and especially for Jonathan because he is aplayer who did not deserve to be suspended, " Burkina Faso coach Paul Put told AFP.
Whether working women make good spouses or not depends more on their unique interests and personalities and their ability to be ateamplayer in their family.
It all added up to the fifth most expensive payroll in MLS. It was ateamgood enough to compete for a playoff spot, but not overly burdened by expectations set by a superstar designated player or outsized payroll.