Beyond the hard and fast restrictions lies a gray area that seems to go on forever.
Even though this type of thing happens all the time in Washington, it's certainly a gray area.
Terms of service are based in contract law, but their enforceability is a gray area in US law.
And then there's a gray area between those disparate dangers, where still other leaders get caught up in failure.
These sites operate in a gray area of the law, facilitating "peer to peer connection" for individuals who want to exchange files.
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"Anything short of, 'We are giving a product, we are giving cash, over and out, ' gets into a gray area, " says marketing consultant Jim Stengel.
The performers work in a legal gray area, without permission from the companies that control the characters.
But some methods of increasing the links pointing towards a site live in a murkier gray area.
Instead, he applied for a bank line of credit, and created a new gray area of campaign finance law.
But even as Congress illegalized online gambling act last year, virtual economies like Second Life have remained in a legal gray area, allowing players to wager game currency that is often traded for real-world money.
"There's a lot of gray area, " said Jeff Moss, who founded the Black Hat security conference, a prominent event for security researchers, and now helps advise the Department of Homeland Security.
This is such a gray and confusing area when you have insurers or wholly owned subsidiaries running Medicare too.
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Cuba has long maintained nearly complete control over the island's media, and Hablemos Press has occupied a murky legal gray area.
It leaves a lot of murky gray area and not much room for black-and-white morality.
Now there's a big, long gray area.
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But when small business owners find themselves in the gray area with a customer or other business relationship, there is no sanctioning entity we can call on for guidance.
In traditional news, you will find that more often than not, there actually is a correct answer and there is no gray area.
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She added that Mr Gray was initially placed in a private treatment area but was moved into a general waiting area after a full scale emergency came into the casualty department.