In 2000, Team USA won with a group of players aging from 14 to 35.
So did the Beat Generation, a group of 1940s university students in New York.
Outside, a group of women banter with the waiter as he refills their glasses with red wine.
Today, we want to get reactions from another generation - a group of 20-somethings.
If you want to travel with a group of friends and split the bill, (for example).
Duffield has hired back a group of PeopleSoft managers led by trusted lieutenant Aneel Bhusri, 42.
There is even a "Viva Obama" video featuring a group of mariachis singing the candidate's praises.
Bassist Steve Harris brought together a group of like-minded musicians, including fellow guitarist Dave Murray.
But two years ago the project was taken over by a group of institutional investors.
Instead, a group of House Republicans hired a lawyer to argue in favour of the law.
Clementi was not, though he sometimes went to parties with a group of four teetotalling girls.
Then a group of older men formed a human chain around me and protected me.
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On one of the submersible's first test voyages, Hawkes' team encountered a group of hammerhead sharks.
Gen Cone said a graduation ceremony for a group of soldiers was taking place nearby.
It has rejected a plan by a group of independent universities to audit the electoral register.
On one side of the yard, a group of girls were playing something else.
If you think a camp featuring a group of cancer survivors would be depressing, think again.
An identity fraud ring is a group of people actively collaborating to commit identity fraud.
"For me, just imagining a group of performers makes me want to write music, " said Jonathan.
Before retiring for the day, he briefed a group of journalists travelling with him.
Almost every day somewhere in the U.S. a group of reformers convenes a conference.
Human Nature is a group of men from Australia who began performing together in high school.
FORBES: Achieving Your Goals Doesn't Always Happen Overnight
The fossil is a member of the Alvarezsauridae family, a group of bird-like dinosaurs.
Four years ago, when Natalie was 16, she made friends with a group of local boys.
In another, a group of teenagers tried to rob a Stourbridge woman on a mobility scooter.
Once, a group of people showed up on her front porch in Magnolia, Ark.
They work less well when you have a single bidder for a group of disparate assets.
The first project that will use the documents involves a group of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
The Dragons are the subject of a proposed takeover by a group of Gwent-based businessmen.
Juan Valenzuela was gunned down in a drive-by shooting while standing with a group of friends.