"These are a group of young people who are caught between these positions, " he says.
Mr Weeks said a group of young people had been shining laser pens towards the seal, but they had been moved.
At the youth center a group of young people, some of whom are HIV-positive, will provide mentoring, education and support to their peers.
The series, which follows a group of young people as they have fun in Sissonville, West Virginia, was controversial before it even aired.
And one thing that you were planning to do was to sit down with a group of young people there, something you actually did.
That is how a group of young people with nothing more than some handmade signs and a belief in their own God-given potential can galvanize a nation.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Addresses Young African Women Leaders | The White House
Jonylah's death follows the January high-profile shooting death of Hadiya Pendleton, a 15-year-old who was killed when a gunman opened fire on a group of young people on the South Side.
And a society of different lifestyles spawned a group of young people who were brought up without parental discipline, without proper role models and without any sense of responsibility to or for others.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on law and order
Speaking to a group of young people in Brixton, south London, Mr Miliband said the inquiry should not just take evidence from the "usual suspects" but should also include people from communities affected by the rioting.
Next week - in a case that has captured the public imagination - a court outside Milan is due to consider murder charges against a group of young people accused of killing two teenagers as part of a Satanic rite.
Participating in the original conversation were a program that uses public health strategies to reduce urban violence ( Cure Violence), a group of young people creating health care tools for mobile devices ( Medic Mobile), and organizations using crisis mapping and SMS messaging to promote peace and facilitate humanitarian relief ( Ushahidi and Sisi ni Amani).
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The charity Barnardo's welcomed the figures but called on the government to widen the scope of Youth Contract training to a broader group of young people.
It all started because a small group of young people had their eyes open to the injustices around them.
For the very first time, a group of selected young people from around the world were asked to interpret the main conclusions of the 2012 EFA Global Monitoring Report.
Bremnes said her daughter told her that she and a group of other young people from her home region of Troms were attending a meeting in the camp to discuss the Oslo bombing when terror struck in the form of a man wearing clothes bearing a police emblem.
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Here in front of him was acceptance, and not just acceptance, but acceptance from a culturally hip group of young people.
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To dig into this question, the team used a crossover design, dividing a group of 18 young, healthy people into three groups.
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To help their people cope, a group of educated young Masai are setting up informal classes under thorn bushes.
ECONOMIST: Why the Masai send their slower children to school
He highlighted the "desperate" situation for many disadvantaged children in the UK, urging the MP "not to attack those parents investing heavily in their children, but to find out why the vast majority of young people want to be good parents and yet a very, very, very substantial group of them fail to do so".
BBC: British children 'babied' by intrusive parents, says MP
Alyas Karmani, director of Street - a Bradford-based group working with vulnerable young people - told the Home Affairs Committee young Asian girls were more vulnerable to groomers because "they are unlikely to talk about it".
Hong Kong has found a new group of people to do its housework and diaper-changing: young women escaping the ill fortunes of Indonesia.
"We are bombarded with mobile phone tariffs, direct debits, standing orders and complicated deals, " says Justin Tomlinson, a Conservative MP who heads up the group of MPs, called Financial Education for Young People.
Putin has now lost the support of much of the urban middle class and young people -- a group that always polled highly for Putin -- and his ruling party's brand is in shambles.
The group added that a "lack of employment opportunities and affordable housing" meant that young people who left Ludlow to study could "rarely afford to return".
And in Zimbabwe's second city, Bulawayo, a group of young professionals has revived the late Joshua Nkomo's party, the Zimbabwe African People's Union.
And I had a chance to meet some of the young people backstage -- an incredible, unbelievably impressive group.
WHITEHOUSE: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Phoenix Awards Dinner | The White House
The work "provides convincing evidence there is a group of people who certainly have all of the symptoms of an autism-spectrum disorder when they're young, who look like they have no symptoms later, " said Thomas Insel, head of the National Institute of Mental Health, which funded the work.
They have also created a group of middle-class people who have the wherewithal to bankroll risk: parents who have made money in Infosys or young people who decide to set up on their own after a few fat years in the corporate world.
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