During the planning of the upcoming June 2013 AC meeting on rosiglitazone, Dr. Nissen contacted FDA staff and requested that he be invited as aguestspeaker.
And I know that sometimes you have to go through a little fuss to have me as aguestspeaker. (Laughter.) So let me apologize in advance for all the fuss.
But when Mr. Zagunis was recently aguestspeaker at an investment class at a university, he said, the students showed him a chart of their portfolio, which has performed poorly this year.
Balotelli revealed that his teammate Boateng -- who was aguestspeaker at the United Nation's International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in March -- persuaded him not to leave the field of play on Sunday.
The banquet's guestspeaker was former New York Gov. David Paterson, who was a radio talk show host on WOR in New York City after he left office in 2010.