The division shows that a happy marriage of content and hardware is possible, if managed properly.
Should women not pursue intellectual matters at all to have a happy marriage?
These were not ideal circumstances for grieving, or the most salutary conditions for beginning a happy marriage.
If you're not are you both compromising because your goals are to have a happy marriage with each other?
Does that mean that I am not entitled to a happy marriage, that men should steer clear of me and my kind?
Seems to me, if you want a happy marriage, share your successes and appreciate what an educated woman can bring to the table.
However, he stressed the gene was only a small part of the process - there are many different ingredients to a happy marriage.
I'm thrilled to say that there seems to be a happy marriage between what I like to talk about in the theater and what my audience wants to hear.
Third, I ask them to understand that parents only rush their marriage because they care about them, so it's good to comfort their parents, and assure them that they'll see a happy marriage.
From the earliest period, there seem to have been exceptional women who really were capable of having it all, such as Anne Bradstreet, a prolific 17th-century poet, who had eight children and a happy marriage, as well as critical renown.
"You can be happy with a flirt, without being happy with a marriage, " he says.
One can have a long, happy marriage without losing touch with reality, but it helps to be a bit starry eyed when it comes to you mate.
Friends said the marriage was a happy one despite the almost 40-year gap in their ages.
He reviews his farming childhood, his happy marriage to a good woman called Rachel and his wartime service in Italy as a member of the 10th Mountain Brigade, as he encounters a series of lovers, drifters, loners, psychotic hunters and sick illegal immigrants all of whom have something to teach him.
She is a 40-year old woman in a marriage that by all appearances was happy until she gave into a ridiculous impulse, and she was supposedly a respected military intelligence officer.
FORBES: Paula Broadwell: How The Public Shaming Of 'Other Women' Ruins Lives
And how painful it is that he died during what she described, as a difficult time in an otherwise happy marriage.
Ms Milne said the Church of Scotland saw marriage as the best way of providing a happy and stable environment for a child.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Churches wary of adoption changes
Thousands of people greeted the happy couple as they passed through London on a horse-drawn carriage following their marriage.
Employees must share tax forms, birth certificates and marriage licenses to make auditors happy. (One frustrated employee sent an auditor a wedding ring to prove he was married.) As many as 15% of dependents can be bounced because the employee is divorced or because minors, including stepchildren, nephews and nieces, are 18 or older and not full-time students.