Those who cannot get online will be offered "alternative ways" of having a health check.
"No serious abnormalities were found after a health check, " the justice ministry said.
All Scots who are turning 40 will be invited for a cyber health check as part of a new service from NHS 24.
The aquatic mammal was taken to Edinburgh Zoo for a proper health check and DNA testing, before being released back into the reserve.
In the wake of the Kobe earthquake, new regulations for quake-proofing buildings came into force, and some local governments offer citizens a structural health check on their homes.
Moreover, a second British study, led by Martin Deahl of St Bartholomew's Hospital in London, concluded that, in the case of British soldiers returning from Bosnia, those who received no counselling were twice as likely to develop problems with alcohol compared with those who were simply given a normal health check.
Rather than a "once-a-year financial health check-up", it's far more powerful to tell a customer, as they're about to buy something, what percentage of their monthly income is represented by what they are about to spend their money on.
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To be sure, entrepreneurs who want to chip in a few bucks toward health care can just cut their employees a check.
The employment report will give investors a chance to check on the health of the world's largest economy, just days after the Federal Reserve completed its latest policy meeting, as well as releasing preliminary fourth quarter growth data that surprised on the downside.
This year we introduced a special issue on the state of Asians' health which will become an annual - a yearly medical check-up of sorts.
Spriggs did go to Google Health to check out its personal health record, instead he found a blog post announcing that the company was shutting it down.
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This is the second part in a two part series of the SEO Health Check.
It is also very good news for those of us who write a large check every month for our health coverage.
Samsung should really capitalize on this and partner with as many companies as it takes to make its health service more comprehensive than a fitness check, and as necessary as a doctor.
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The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman said guidelines were not followed at a hospital in Wick during a diagnostic test to check the baby's health.
The public is captivated by the vision of being able to control everything in their homes and offices, from temperature, lighting and security to using devices to brew cups of coffee, program entertainment, check health records, and conduct a myriad of other tasks.
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In other words, the initial health check will be face to face with a computer screen instead.
At a medical check up doctors told him he would have health problems if he went above 3, 000 meters.
Mary Kerswell went to Biggleswade Health Centre in Bedfordshire to check for corrections following a mix-up with another patient's details.
No one possibly could believe that if you need a check on the background, the criminal or mental health history of somebody who can go into a gun store and buy a gun, that you shouldn't have that on any gun purchase.
Japan's Foreign Ministry said it had asked for a consular visit to Mr Fujimori in order to check on his health.
It is important to check even if you currently have a name brand company like United Health Care, Health Net, Anthem Blue Cross, Aetna or Blue Shield.
Travel restrictions are now in place at airports around the world after the WHO urged airports in affected cities to quiz passengers about their health before check-in and to discourage anyone who had had a fever within the past 24 hours from flying.
Finally, we shared a bevy of tips for living a more sustainable lifestyle -- check out these seven gadgets that can improve your health and five ways to green your home entertainment system.
ENGADGET: Inhabitat's Week in Green: sun-powered homes, retro robots and a solar laptop chipset
Health apps that allow users to test their heartbeat, monitor sleep patterns and keep a check on a variety of conditions are growing in popularity.
Mexico does have such a scheme, called Oportunidades, which transfers cash to poor families on the condition they take their children to health check-ups and keep them in school.
In Colorado, only a tiny fraction (about 1%) of people who have gun-disqualifying mental health histories have been reported to the National Instant Check System, where they could be discovered in a routine background check of a prospective gun purchaser.