They make turning off a gene so simple that a high school student could do it, says Cech.
For example, a high school student who won a science fair made big money on Quirky for proposing a flexible power strip.
The first he recalls was in 1995, while a high school student.
My full tuition is covered, and I'm mentoring a high school student.
For a high school student, there might not always be an available choice between pursuit of a business degree and an engineering degree.
"I think she's really happy that this is over and, remember, she is a 16-year-old girl still and she's a high school student, " he said.
We see it in the compassion of a high school student who overcame his own struggles to mentor younger kids to give them a chance.
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The novel, "Gift, " which features a high school student with paranormal abilities and a musician classmate, includes original songs that play automatically when you turn the page, an original graphic novel, diary excerpts and a new music video by Swedish YouTube sensation Fredde Gredde.
Ben Stiller stars as Ted, who we see at the beginning of the film as a shy high school student with a mouthful of braces that make his face look like the grill of a 1957 Buick.
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As a public high school student at North Hollywood High, she attended a magnet program for highly gifted students.
Theodore Beckles, a 19-year-old student at Independence High School, was fatally stabbed in September in a fight with a student from the High School for Environmental Studies, which shares the same building as Mr. Beckles's school on West 56th Street.
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Personal computing emerged in the 1980s as something Hollywood couldn't ignore, with films like "Tron, " about a hacker who gets trapped in a computer game, and 1983's "WarGames, " about a nerdy high school student who nearly causes a nuclear apocalypse after breaking into a military-operated computer network.
Police arrested a high-school student who allegedly had had a beef with Shavers' stepson but shot the wrong guy.
She got started with the skeleton as a high-school student in Colorado when she challenged a young woman to a footrace at a rec center.
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One ad features a Kentucky high school student who suffers asthma attacks from being around cigarette smoke.
They also found an unlikely angel investor to help finance them: the father of a high-school student that had tried out their checker.
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Kailey Fry, a high-school student near Toledo, Ohio, said she previously saw written notices on YouTube pages that pirated content had been removed due to copyright claims.
In a paper written by a fictional high school student.
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In September 2006, as the school year kicked off, a black Jena High School student asked the vice principal if he and some friends could sit under an oak tree where the white students typically congregated.
The official said the suspected shooter is a Lake Academy student, not a student at Chardon High School, where the shootings occurred, according to the Associated Press.
Insoo Kim, 14, is a typical junior high school student in Seoul.
He had someone, a young intern high school student working there, make up signs with arrows that said 'recycle stale old ideas here, ' and we taped them to the recycling cans.
Consider these facts: A minority student is four times more likely than a non-minority student to attend a high school with very low graduation rates (so-called "dropout factories") and three times less likely to attend a high school with very high graduation rates.
Jose Cardoza said it arrested two of the teens at Saratoga High School and the third, a former Saratoga High student, at Christopher High School in Gilroy on Thursday.
They range in age from early 20s to 70s and include a Wal-Mart worker, a high school teacher, a retired school bus driver and a student in his junior year at Penn State who has ties to the football team and knows some witnesses in the case.
Vedovotto, a 19-year-old high school student, was at the club for a friend's birthday party.
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"Just sit at her computer and type for her, " my boss advised me with my first client, a private-high-school student.
Picoult's novel told the story of a bullied, alienated high school student who commits an act of violence.
Raphie is a 15 year old high school student attending Georgiana Bruce Kirby High School in Santa Cruz.
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Professor Viney was helped in his work by a sixteen year old high school student, Mairi Struthers of Wishaw, who collected mucus from land snails housed at Edinburgh Zoo.