"NATO aircraft carried out controlled attacks on military vehicles near a highway bridge just east of Djakovica, " NATO said in a statement.
But the closure of a key bridge along a highway leading out of Caracas, what was once a half hour commute, has turned into a four-hour ordeal.
This would put a stop to highway construction, bridge repair, mass transit systems and other important projects that keep our country moving quickly and safely.
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The project was part of a Street View "refresh" of California that involved a trip down Highway 1 along the Big Sur coast, including the famous Bixby Creek Bridge that spans the mouth of a coast-hugging canyon.
Neither label indicates a bridge is unsafe for travel, the highway administration said.
Climbers head out from the BridgeClimb storefront at the foot of the bridge, proceed along a catwalk under the highway, climb several ladders and then walk up the curved span to the top.
These backups also affect all of us because the bridge is on I-75, a primary highway for America's truckers.
"Presumably, conditions were favourable on the Bering land bridge which was more of a large filter than an open highway, " suggested Professor Poinar.
The bridge was not classified as structurally deficient, but a Federal Highway Administration database lists it as being "functionally obsolete" a category meaning that the design is outdated, such as having narrow shoulders and low clearance underneath.
Minnesota Department of Transportation bridge engineer Dan Dorgan said the term "structurally deficient" is a Federal Highway Administration rating.
The limo was carrying nine women passengers and a male driver when it caught fire late Saturday night on the San Mateo bridge, California Highway Patrol officer Art Montiel told The Associated Press.
The Federal Highway Administration concluded that the main cause was a crack that grew undetected in one of the bridge's huge chain links, but that the high volume of traffic was also a factor.
Jacobs also points out that perhaps there is a link between the area near this highway and tragedies that have happened in history, such as the bridge collapse on I-35 in Minneapolis last August and the assassination of JFK 44 years ago near I-35 in Dallas.
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In fact, over the 1, 900-mile trek, it only lost signal on two occasions: a 20-mile stretch of the Central Oregon Highway and just as I was driving onto the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
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