Launched, with great fanfare, as a history of Scotland, it starts only in 1700 and has little to say about the 20th century.
ECONOMIST: General non-fiction
Based in Anstruther, the attraction records the history of the Scotland fishing industry and includes a collection of more than 66, 000 items.
BBC: Scottish Fisheries Museum
Alex Scott, SNH area officer for West Sutherland and Wester Ross (North), said the caves provided a unique record of Scotland's ancient history, as glaciers during the Ice Age erased many remains buried just below the surface of the ground.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Highlands and Islands | New tests on rare polar bear find
Central Scotland Police said Mr McDonald has a history of mental illness and requires daily medication, and he may appear confused and disorientated.
BBC: George McDonald
During the debate Ms White said "Scotland's people has a proud history of standing up against injustice" and they want to see these traditions and values reflected in parliament.
BBC: Members debate: Israel's nuclear whistleblower
Archaeologists are leading volunteers in a four-day dig to uncover the hidden history beneath one of Scotland's most famous landmarks.
BBC: Archaeologists probe Abbey Craig secrets
Some of Scotland's more unusual history has been told in a new guide written and illustrated in the style of a graphic novel.
BBC: Scottish history told in graphic novel-style guide
Dr Jonathan Benjamin, of WA Coastal and Marine and the University of Edinburgh, said Scotland was a maritime nation with a rich seafaring history.
BBC: Sutherland shipwreck intrigues archaeologists
Nevertheless, the history, culture and political and economic circumstances of both Scotland and Wales make a move towards independence highly unlikely.
ECONOMIST: Devolution: The choice for Scotland and Wales | The
Launched from the small town of Dumbarton on the banks of the River Clyde in western Scotland in 1869, the Cutty Sark has a long and colorful history.
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