• The researchers included in their model a hitherto-neglected effect proposed by a German physicist, Arnold Sommerfeld, in the 1930s.

    ECONOMIST: Two new ways to detect the elusive stuff of the universe

  • Mr Cheng has now admitted to owning a hitherto undisclosed consultancy, and to passing on government documents to business contacts.

    ECONOMIST: Hong Kong

  • The election of Mr Serwotka, a hitherto unknown benefits agency worker and fast-talking union official in Leeds, was a big surprise.

    ECONOMIST: Trade unions

  • Other artefacts, including pottery and an entrance to a hitherto unknown crypt were also found in the church, which dates back to 1100.

    BBC: Somerset ancient churches to be excavated and surveyed

  • But some other areas on our list are benefiting from a hitherto unnoted shift of high-end services to lower-cost and often lower-density regions.

    FORBES: The Cities Winning The Battle For The Biggest Growth Sector In The U.S.

  • However, occasionally a hitherto obscure constituency might find that its resolution had gained the prime spot in one of the key debates of the week.

    BBC: News | LABOUR CENTENARY | A political correspondent reflects...

  • It is a humorous, poignant bringing-together of Peckham old and new, a hitherto unloved working class urban district on the verge, perhaps, of achieving international prominence.

    BBC: London's art attack

  • But a big cause of the crime drop seems to be that the police were able to draw on a hitherto overlooked pool of local wisdom.

    ECONOMIST: Policing

  • And fossil finds from Red Deer Cave, also in China, and Iwo Eleru in Nigeria point to a hitherto unappreciated diversity among Late Pleistocene humans.

    BBC: Fossil human traces line to modern Asians

  • The new compound works by a hitherto unknown pathway of chemical reactions in the brain cells, particularly those in those parts of the brain which are related to appetite.

    BBC: Hope for fat control drug

  • It provides evidence for a hitherto missing ingredient: clouds.

    ECONOMIST: Comparative meteorology

  • Because the Mac team has always understood that really great design makes an object seem like a hitherto-unknown part of oneself, a new way to encounter and express yourself in the outside world.

    FORBES: Happy Birthday, Mac!

  • At the Star, a hitherto also-ran among supermarket tabloids, Ms Fuller's strategy has been to do celebrity journalism better than the rest (unlike rival People magazine, there is no space given to ordinary people).

    ECONOMIST: Face value

  • Other theorists, such as Georgi Dvali of New York University and Joao Magueijo of Imperial College, London, say a changing alpha might come from a hitherto unknown force of nature that could modify the law of gravity.

    ECONOMIST: Fundamental physics

  • Meanwhile a group calling itself the "Rassemblement des Forces Democratiques de Guinee" had been phoning international radio stations, and a hitherto unknown spokesman, Mohamed Lamine Fofana, had been claiming the attacks were the work of the Guinean opposition.

    BBC: The Guinea conflict explained

  • Slovakia hardly provided the sternest of tests, but England got the job done with the minimum of fuss and Capello can now turn his attentions to making it five wins out of five in a hitherto flawless World Cup campaign.

    BBC: England 4-0 Slovakia

  • The remix version, concoted by a hitherto little-known Berlin composer called Bardo Henning, is a 15-minute pot-pourri which mingles the melody of the current national anthem (by Joseph Haydn) with that of the old East German one (by Hanns Eisler).

    ECONOMIST: Jangling Germany��s national anthem

  • The alarming statements by the WHO and other UN agencies last week may in part have been prompted by a widespread feeling that health authorities in Asia failed to act quickly enough last year to contain the SARS virus, a hitherto unknown human infection.

    ECONOMIST: Averting a global plague | The

  • This state of affairs will not have reassured a delegation of leading American non-Orthodox rabbis who emerged from a meeting with Mr Netanyahu on that famous night with a commitment that the government will solve, by September, a hitherto insoluble conflict between the Judaism of Israel and the Judaism of much of diaspora Jewry.

    ECONOMIST: First-and second-class Jews | The

  • R134a, a fluid hitherto employed mainly as a refrigerant.

    ECONOMIST: Geothermal energy: Blowing hot and cold | The

  • Recently, moreover, a young Finnish maestro, Esa-Pekka Salonen made a remark hitherto almost as unthinkable as Mr Abbado's.

    ECONOMIST: Why Berlin��s musicians don��t need a maestro

  • Another, more surprising, is the spread of liberal economic views in a society hitherto used to doing business through cartels and political patronage.

    ECONOMIST: The Mafia in Italy

  • They promise a lifestyle hitherto uncommon in Mumbai condos.

    FORBES: Haute Property in Mumbai

  • The population is also relatively old, so health care, hitherto a Democratic subject, has been an important issue.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington: Clinton's children | The

  • This has been a word used hitherto only by Israeli moderates to describe the situation in the Palestinian territories.

    ECONOMIST: Serious about peace

  • Thanks to the development of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, the US has been able to exploit a massive and hitherto unknown resource.

    BBC: Welcome to my page

  • But the cold war, hitherto a fight for influence in Europe and Latin America, had now acquired a Middle Eastern axis, and Jews and Arabs were at its centre.

    ECONOMIST: Israel and the Palestinians

  • Jozef Migas, parliament's speaker, hitherto a close ally who heads one of the coalition's four parties, recently shook the government by casting a no-confidence vote against Mr Dzurinda in parliament.

    ECONOMIST: Slovakia: The arrest of Vladimir Meciar | The

  • Mr Vidino believes the documents reveal the existence of a wide and hitherto secret Brotherhood network with links to two of America's best-known Muslim organisations, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Islamic Society of North America.

    ECONOMIST: The Muslim Brotherhood in the West

  • The chancellor of the exchequer, Gordon Brown, hitherto a seriously hyper-active type, needed a break from using fiscal policy to mend every last thing in the economy that does not work exactly as he thinks it should, and so did the country.

    ECONOMIST: Britain has a two-faced chancellor

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