Creatively Hitch, played by Anthony Hopkins, embraces the challenge of making a horror film without being horrific.
It was a scene "straight out of a horror film, " said Chris Ramos, who was inside the theater.
What woke me was a feeling like a horror film, except really boring.
But she refuses to watch South of Sanity, I don't think she likes the idea that her son has written a horror film.
BBC: Scriptwriter's mum too scared to watch Antarctic horror
The movie is a horror film masquerading as a historical pageant.
All of that and more point toward the ways this film is very much comfortable being considered a horror film as well as a sci-fi film.
Though Price was most famous as a horror film actor, he was also an alumnus of the prestigious Courtauld Institute of Art, and he took his curatorial role seriously.
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This weekend two genre films hit theaters: The Rite, a horror film starring Anthony Hopkins as an exorcism priest, and The Mechanic, the latest in a long line of action films starring Jason Statham.
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The Volcker plan is nothing more than a horror-film sequel that will splatter on hapless taxpayers.
"Michael Vanhise engaged in conduct that reads like a script for a bad horror film, but fortunately, neither he nor his co-conspirators were able to act out the twisted conspiracies, " Mr. Bharara said.
He plays Ethan, an independent filmmaker in crisis, whose girlfriend, Claire (Kate Lyn Sheil), is cast in a low-budget horror film by a more successful director (Ti West).
The star of those tacky old Japanese horror films now gets a tacky new Hollywood horror film all to himself.
He thus put together a collection of apparatus that would not have disgraced the set of a mad-scientist horror film, and filled it with a mixture of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water vapour that matched contemporary ideas of what the primitive terrestrial atmosphere had been composed of.
The current crisis is a sort of super-sized, IMAX version of a depressingly familiar horror film.
I'm also missing the much-hyped "I Love You Philip Morris, " a gay-themed drama starring Jim Carrey, and "Grace, " a buzz-worthy horror film about the perils of breastfeeding.
First though, Solovev had to deal with a young bear, about 2m tall with handsome claws, that the rangers had started calling "Freddy Krueger" in homage to the razor-clawed slasher from the horror film A Nightmare on Elm Street.
The best horror films are often those that use atmosphere and suggestion to achieve the horror, and a film of this sort that consists mostly of three people in the woods with a camera mostly improvising yet still manages so much tension and creepiness, is rare and awesome.
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The horror film Paranormal Activity was a huge surprise hit for Paramount studios this fall.
Tarantino is said to be intrigued by the prospect of building a new film around one of the horror genre's most recognised figures.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Tarantino 'to make Friday sequel'
The last horror film directed by James Whale features a haunting musical score that helps make The Bride of Frankenstein one of the finest and most touching thrillers of its era.
The bad memories of the hero (Denzel Washington), who suspects that the war hero is a fake, are accompanied by the conventional horror-film frights of painted faces, spooky doctors, and smoky, distorted cinematography.
He says the film comes at horror and the supernatural from a fresh perspective.
Texas Chainsaw 3D is the seventh film in the horror franchise, featuring an antagonist called Leatherface, who wears a mask made of human skin.